8. Showtime

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God where do I start with her.

She's undeniably the most gorgeous girl that I have ever seen, I had to do a double take when I opened her door and saw her for the first time in eight years.

Her smile lit up a room, and she was the smartest, most caring girl I had ever talked to.

I was elated that she and Maddie were coming to the show tonight, as were the rest of the lads, especially James.

James was planning to ask Maddie to the dance tonight, I wish I had asked Vivian.

I was planning to until I saw her with Octavius that afternoon, and then when I was planning to ask her I accidentally blurted out something about Tori, the school slut.

I wasn't interested in Tori whatsoever, I just was using her to make Viv jealous, and obviously it didn't work since she is going to the Dance with Octavius now.

I'm an idiot.

"Oi, Denis you ready?" Ben slapped my arm, knocking me out of my daze.

"For what?" I jumped.

"The show you idiot." He chuckled.


"She will be here. I know you are thinking about your lover."  He teased, causing me to blush.

"She's not my lover."

"Yet. Come on Denis, let's go." He handed me a microphone and a set of in-ear monitors.

We took the stage and I smiled at the massive crowd we had.

Easily 500 people tonight, we were very big for a band this young.

I smiled and began to sing and scream my parts, manipulating the crowd however I pleased, a smile on my face the entire time.

I glanced sidestage to see Vivian and Maddie.

Viv gave me a thumbs up and mouthed 'sorry we were late'.

I winked at her and continued playing, he's presence energizing me more.

I had been in love with her since I was six years old.

She was the only girl in the kindergarten class who hadn't wanted to kiss me, and instead threw mud in my face.

I finally got the courage to make a move on her my last night in York before I moved to Ukraine.

I remember it like it was yesterday...


I climbed from my room into Vivian's where she sat on her bed, tears streaming down her face.

"Vivian?" I asked quietly.

She immediately wiped her tears away and smiled.

"Hey Denis."

"Are you okay?" I asked, sitting next to her.

"I'm gonna miss you Denis." She began crying again, hugging me.

"I'll miss you too Viv."

"What am I gonna do? I'm starting middle school without my best friend."

"But you have other friends."

"None of them matter as much as you do."

I sighed, looking down and taking off my necklace with the owl on it, placing it around her neck.

"Here. So you have a piece of me forever with you."

"Thank you Denis."

I stared at her for a moment before I kissed her.

Just a tiny peck was all it was.

My goodbye to Vivian meant so much to me.


I looked over to see her holding the owl charm tugging at the necklace while she watched. That was something I noticed she did when she was nervous, she always held the owl I had given her.

It meant a lot to me that she had kept it all these years later.

Of course I had my own Owl in honor of her, my chest piece. It was by far my favorite tattoo.

Vivian still hadn't figured out it was in honor of her though.

We finished our set and I smiled, getting off of stage and hugging Vivian.

"That was awesome! How the hell do you do those screams?" She giggled.

I blushed.

"Lots of practice."

"Well you did really good." She smiled. "But you really smell." She wrinkled her nose.

I pulled her into a hug, swinging her around.

"Embrace the manly scent." I laughed.

"Not the new clothes!" She squealed.

"It's my shirt." I laughed.

She sighed.

I put her down as we walked to the green room, sitting down and drinking some water.

I turned her attention towards James and Maddie.

"Can you hold my sticks?" He asked, handing her the drumsticks.

She looked down at them, her eyes widening.

They read: will you go to the dance with me?

She looked up and saw James holding a flower.

"Yes." She hugged him with a smile on her face.

I saw Vivian mouth 'I told you so' to her.

"I think I just lost my ride home." I laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you can ride with me." She smiled.

"Movie tonight?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Nothing scary though."

I chuckled.

Scaring her was fun, and it gave me the exact results that I wanted.

"Well come on then." I took her hand, walking to the car with her.

"Thanks for inviting me tonight. I had a lot of fun, and I didn't realize that you all were that popular." She smiled.

"Well we are pretty sexy." I smirked, getting into the car.

"Oh hush." She rolled her eyes at me.

We chatted about the show until we reached our homes.

"I'll be over in five minutes." I smiled, running into my house and changing into athletic shorts and a t-shirt, brushing my teeth and messing with my hair.

I swung into her window, smiling, seeing her still in my T shirt and a pair of shorts, her hair tied into a bun.

She put a movie in and crawled into bed with me, snuggling into my side.

I watched the movie for an hour until I noticed that she was asleep, with no way for me to sneak out without waking her, not that I was complaining.

Vivian was in my arms, where she belonged.

A/N: So I really don't like this chapter.... Maybe I'm just not comfortable writing in Denis's POV yet.

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now