Chapter 19 - Teen Choice Awards

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Hi everyone. I hope you're doing great.

I'm very truly sorry for not updating. I feel like I owe, those of you who wants to read it, an apology. To those of you who just wants to read the update, just go down to the text not written in italics.
Well, first, I'm sorry. I don't know if I can come up with an excuse that's good enough for you guys for not letting you hear from me for 10 months. The thing is that I've been very busy and, well, lazy. Ending school have been very hard and I got a depression from all the pressure. I've gotten better now. Normally I don't like telling people that I have a depression, but since I don't know you guys personally, I feel okay about it. Otherwise I've moved away from my parent's home and that has also taken some time getting used to.
I don't really think any of this is a good excuse, but now you've heard it. Lousy or not.

I haven't updated just to tell you that I was taking a break from writing for a while, simply because I wouldn't let you think there was an update and then there really wasn't. Also I wanted to continue the story and make it as good as I can and not just make up some crap just to update. So I'm sorry for the long wait, but I want to feel good about what I'm writing.

I feel bad for not updating for so long, but seeing that some of you are still reading, commenting and voting made me feel a little bit better. At least I haven't lost all my readers.

I'll finish this story no matter how many readers I've still got and if I can't find my way back into the story, I'll just make a different and faster ending than I had originally planned. But I will finish it.

A lot of things have happened in 10 months. Zayn leaving the band. Harry's hair getting long. Louis and Eleanor breaking up. Drama all the time. Will we ever be able to catch a break in this fandom? Btw what are your thoughts on Zayn leaving? I've gotten used to the thought by now and if that was really what he wanted and what was best for him, well I'm kinda okay with it. At first I cried and got a bit mad at him, but I've been to a concert with just the four of them and they did so great that it doesn't really matter to me. I miss him and his voice, but yeah... I'm definitely not gonna let it affect my story, neither of those things that has happened. Louis will still be together with Eleanor and Zayn will still be a part of the band.

I don't know if there's any more to say, other than if any of you got any questions you're welcome to ask. And if you're mad at me and wants to say something crappy, just comment it too, it's okay and I kinda understand it :)

... Anyway, here's the update.

*Niall's POV*

Our break starts today and I'm very happy about that. I'll miss performing but having some time off is much needed. Not that we're getting much time off today anyways. We're going to the Teen Choice Awards tonight and we have to get dressed, practice the opening song, do some promo shoots, arrive at the red carpet and so on. As I said, a very busy day.

I'm gonna go home early tonight though, so is Louis and Liam. Harry is staying at the show with Ed and Zayn is joining Perrie and the rest of Little Mix. Liam, Louis and I are flying to London just after we've gotten our surfboards so that we'll be home by tomorrow. And yes, we've been told that we've won some prizes, but not what and how many. So it's still exciting!

I'm a bit nervous about being away from Harry during the break though. The whole dating thing between us is pretty new and we haven't been away from each other for more than 24 hours since we decided to be boyfriends. We haven't planned when to meet up because Harry doesn't know when he'll get back home to London.

I'm also going to the V Festival without him, which probably is good enough. We haven't been drunk together since we started kissing and I don't really know if we could fake being friends in public while drinking. But I'm excited about the festival. I'm attending with some friends, including Josh.

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