Chapter 11 - Chaos in my mind

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So a few things is happening in this chapter. Some of you have asked to know what one of the other boys are thinking and as promised you'll get a glimpse of it in this chapter. Besides that, I think Harry is starting to put some pieces together. 

Peace out. Love you all! Xx

*Niall's POV*

The concert last night went okay considered that Harry wasn't really in the mood to go onstage, luckily though, getting up there made him so much happier and he knew we were all there to support him if he needed it. I stayed close to him during the concert, not so much that anybody noticed, but just so that Harry was aware of it. At one point in the middle of the concert he was kind of spacing out, I saw it by coincident when I let my eyes run over the stage, and he just stood there, his eyes getting more and more glassy. I ran over to him and put my arms around his shoulders. He didn't hug back and I pulled away from the hug to look him in the eyes. I let my hands rest on his shoulders while pushing him back so that his face was on the same level as me, he didn't look at me though, and the frown on his forehead only got bigger.

"Hey buddy" I mumbled to get his attention. He slowly lifted his eyes to look at me and at that moment I would have done anything to be alone with him and comfort him like the two of us had made a habit of doing.

"Focus on the fans out there, okay? For me?"

He bit his trembling lip, but nodded and I let go of him. The boys had been talking the whole time, knowing what was going on and that Harry just needed a moment, so of course they'd made sure that the attention was on them and not Harry. The rest of the concert went okay and Harry did his best to keep focus on other things than what had happened the past days.

Ellie was at our concert last night too and I'm meeting up with her today just to get a little chat before our concert tonight in Pennsylvania. We've build a pretty fine friendship after I forgot about the tiny crush I had on her and now I'm just happy that I actually got over it because we're no doubt better of as friends. Besides that I wouldn't have a relationship like Zayn and Perrie's, I myself right now don't even think I have the time for a girlfriend, so how would it even work if my girlfriend had the same job as me?

Right now though I'm just laying in my bunk waiting for the sun to actually arise. I woke up like an hour or so ago and I can't fall back asleep. What is the deal with me and sleep? Some days I can sleep for hours and others I can stay awake more than what's healthy for me.

Deciding that staying in bed wouldn't get me to sleep, I silently crawled out of my bunk, knowing that Harry and Louis was still sleeping. I got a shirt from my back pack and tiptoed out of the bunk area and into the 'bus-sitting-room'  where I turned on the TV and went through the channels. I came across a few music channels and laughed a bit for myself when LWWY was playing on one of them. I settled on a whole different music channel though, because they apparently had an 'Eagles night' and when am I not in the mood to listen to The Eagles? Right, never. So that's where I found myself, humming along the lyrics while shifting between drumming on my lap and forming the accords with my right hand imagine I had a guitar.

"I don't get how you do it"

"Hm?" I hummed and turned around to see Harry in only his boxers, looking like a sleepy puppy or something which were just as cute.

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