Chapter 15 - I like us

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I've been a shitty writer and I'm so sorry. I'll do my best to update more often!
I'll dedicate this to Annette because she once dedicated one of her chapters to me and I'm very gratefull for that. Go read her story, it's good! 

And thank you so much for getting me to 30 K reads, I love you all <3

I just liked the picture at the side, it doesn't really fit to the chapter but it's one of my narry favorites!

*Niall's POV*

We had an amazing day yesterday. The boys and I enjoyed the evening together, just the five of us and all of us stayed on the bus. We finally spent some time together, just like I've missed.  It almost didn't felt like Harry and I had something to hid, everything was just back to the time where we spent all our time together. Besides that we broke the Vevo record, so everything went well yesterday. It was a blast.


"Look over here Niall!"

I was running after a ball Louis had kicked pretty far away, when I saw some fans waving at me. We were at the arena, but it was quite early, so I hadn't really thought there would be any fans. I guess I've underestimated our fans once again. Being in the great mood I was in, I decided to talk to them, and it wasn't because there was a lot, I think they were 6 or 7 girls.

"What can I do for ya, ladies?" I asked with a wide smile.

One of the girls were crying and to be honest, it still freaks me out.

"C - could you sign this?" a little blonde girls asked, holding a shirt with a picture of me on it.

"Sure darling" I smiled and squatted down in front of her on the other side of the fence. It was a bit irritating now, the fence, but I know it would come in use later today. We had a concert in Denver tonight.

"Are you excited for tonight?" one of the other girls asked. I looked at her while reaching out for the phone she wanted to get signed. She was a lot older, but had the same blond hair and if I'm not wrong, I think the two of them were sisters.

" 'Course I am, always am" I said with a chuckle. I don't really think the knows how much we enjoys this.

"Ni?" I heard Louis yell from behind me "Where'd you- oh!"

I looked over my shoulder to see him waving at the girls before he joined me.

"So where are you girls from?" he asked, trying to jump onto my back.

"Denver" they said almost in choir, which made both Louis and I laugh.

We talked with the girls for about 10 minutes before we went back to playing football again. Harry was out playing golf with some of the staff. He'd asked me to come too, but I had to decline because I'd promised Louis to train with him. And not that I feel like Harry and I spent too much time together, because I don't think I can ever feel that, it actually is nice just hanging out with Louis.

Gemma was coming later today and I really think it's gonna be good for Harry having her over for a while. I think he needs something from home these days. Not that he seems unhappy anymore, it actually seems like he has forgotten everything about Paige and so on.

"Hey Ni, wanna make some pranks with the staff?" Louis asked, a mysterious smiled on his face and eyes beaming with excitement. It's funny really, how he can keep being this young boy on the inside despite his age. But I guess I'm the same way...  So I just nodded and threw him the ball.

"I'll race you to the door" I yelled and ran past him, knowing he would win anyway.


Later that afternoon I was seated together with a grumpy looking Liam and a not too happy Helene. Because of my stupid choice of  only wearing a top this morning when I played football with Louis, I now had a sore throat.

Bad Habits (NARRY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora