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Okay so here's the prolouge. Again, vote if you like it. I don't really care how many I get, if there's just a few who want's to read it I'll write it! x

Hope you like it though... 


*Harry's POV*

I love being on tour. I really do. Sometimes it's just so exhausting. All the travelling from country to country, city to city. Standing up early in the morning or in the middle of the night. There's days where you get almost no sleep at all because after a concert you need to record something for the new album or go somewhere to do an interview. There's a lot of pressure too. You always have to be an good example, always have to be careful about how you react or what you say in public.

Being away from your family probably is the biggest issue for me. I miss talking to my mom, bonding with my step dad or my real dad and spending time with my sister. It's weird not seeing your family every day like I'm used to. It's like I have two families now, the one I have when I'm on tour and then my real family home in Holmes Chapel.

But it's worth it though. I would live my life like this till I die if I had the chance. I love singing and performing and it's absolutely amazing that I am where I am. I mean, I'm just an average boy from an average town in England. When I lived in Holmes Chapel I could go to school and hang out with my friends, today I can travel to Ghana and gather money to help children who are dying. I can make a girl's life better just by giving her a smile or signing her phone. I seriously can't wrap my mind around that. But it feels amazing. I feel so happy when I help someone.

Besides that I've gotten so many friends, not only to mention Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall, but also Lou and Tom and Paul and Helene and Cal and, yeah I could go on for hours, the staff is just so calm and welcoming. It's like a big family and I love every single one of them. There's also the fans, some of them very dedicated, other of them more down to earth, but I love every single one of them, all of us does. Not only can I make their days better, but they can save a day for me as well. If I have a bad day or just feel like the world couldn't get worse I go on Twitter and read some of the girl's and boy's tweets to me or one of the boys, the fans are just so supportive and it really cheers me up.

I've been doing that an awfully lot lately. Not only because I feel the pressure from being "famous" as people would call me and because I miss my family, I also miss the boys. I'm not saying that we're on the verge of ending this whole boy band thing, not at all, it's just... Zayn, Louis and Liam have been spending so much time with their girls lately. We never really do anything together any more, or yes, Niall and I does, but not all five of us. We're the greatest friends and we have a laugh when we travel together, are on stage or at an interview, but when we have a break or a day off, it's often only Niall and I who gets together. I understand that they wanna be together with their girlfriends, I really do, I guess I just feel kind of lonely. I know I have Niall and always will, but I could really use that someone who wanted to cuddle late at night and stuff like that. Like a girlfriend. 

I'm not planning on confronting them or something though, it's just me and my thoughts.

Myself and Niall are at this very moment in a car on our way to the hotel we're staying at for the next two nights while the other three lads have decided to stay on the tour bus. It's after the concert in Sunrise and I'm so tired. I think Niall are too, 'cause he's awfully quiet tonight. 

I looked over at him to see him wriggling around in his seat, probably trying to get comfortable.

"C'mere Ni" I yawned and patted my knee. He gave me a lazy smile and let his head rest in my lap after getting comfortable by halfway sitting halfway laying in the car.

"Thanks" he mumbled and let his hand rest on my thigh. Soon after a low snore filled the car. I smiled down at the blond and let my fingers massage his scalp.

We have been spending a lot of time together lately. Yesterday we all spend the day on a yacht, me and Niall staying for a bit longer though, while the other boys had something to do. I enjoy spending time with Niall. He's just cool hanging out with, always ready to laugh at my lame jokes and rarely in a bad mood. It's also nice to have someone without a girlfriend as well, we can just be boys together. Louis and Zayn are so into their girlfriends that whenever they get the time they either go see them or skype them, while Liam have been seeing an old friend, and it's cool, I understand them. I just miss them. But then again, I'm kinda enjoying spending all my time with Niall.

We had an small hour of driving before we got to our hotel in Miami, so I just enjoyed the sight of the small smile on Niall's lips till I fell asleep myself.

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