Chapter 6 - One last request

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You get a late double update now because I feel like it. xx
Enjoy *smirking* 

*Niall's POV*

"Umpf" I groaned as something heavy landed on top of me. My eyes shot open when I remembered that I was alone on the bus and that the thing on top of me could be a crazy fan who'd broken in and was now trying to rape me.

"Please don't touch my face, I have a concert tonight" I whined and hid my face as good as possible.

"What are you on about, you twit" a raspy voice said from above me.

That voice sounded familiar, didn't it?

"Harry?" I asked and looked up from the pillow.

"Yes. Who else Ni?"

"Fucking hell, ya scared the shite outta me. I thought it was some crazy mofo who'd broken into the bus" I huffed and rolled onto my back causing Harry to slide a bit downwards. He kicked his shoes off while laughing and then crawled up beside me, laying on his back just like me.

"Idiot" he mumbled, and bumped his bowed knee against mine.

"Bastard" I mumbled back and nudged him with my elbow.




"Why are ya even here?" I asked with a laugh.

He shrugged and looked at the ceiling.

"Last day you can boss around with me, eh?" he said and looked over at me. Our eyes met and I just gazed into his green orbs for a while.


He breathed out and turned his head towards the ceiling again, letting a hand run through his hair.

"I got in a small argument with Louis last night. Nothing major, but the biggest so far"

"What'd he do?" I asked surprised, because wow, Harry and Louis never fought.

"It wasn't really him. I think it was both of us. Or just me, I don't know"

I turned around so I was laying on my right side, resting my head in the palm of my hand and looked down at him " 'Bout what?"

"You. Eleanor"

I furrowed my brows and he looked over at me realizing that he needed to explain "I asked him if he wanted to do something after the concert last night but he declined because he had a Skype date with El. So I kinda got mad at him and finally told him that we never do anything together anymore"

"And?" I asked, knowing he wasn't finished telling, but also wanting to know why they'd fought about me too.

"Then he said that it didn't matter anyways because I spend all my time with you and that pissed me off, you know, because it's them who hasn't time for us... and yeah"

"You didn't had to" I mumbled and let my hand fell down on top of his bunch of curls.

"To what?"

"Defend us bein' together"

"Us being together?" He asked with a smirk.

"Fuck ya Haz, ye know what I mean"

"Yeah  well he deserved to know how I feel" he smiled.

"Guess so" I breathed out and let my head drop down on the bed.

"Ugh Ni, your breath smells awful" Harry huffed and pushed to my shoulder causing me to fall down from the too small for two bunk.

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