Chapter 4 - What a lovely ruler

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It's short and it's a filler, I know, but there'll be a bit Narry, so yay! Oh and take a look at that gif on the side, such cuties. My Narry heart is melting. Like seriously. Look at them.

Once again thank you so much for all the reads, comments and votes it means the world to me. True shit. Love you <3

*Harry's POV*

I'm standing on stage with my bum in the air. Why? Well it's the 3. time today that I've dropped my microphone on purpose thanks to Niall. Since Sunday night he has been giving me all sort of orders, like tonight, where he told me to do something stupid and since I can't find anything else to do then falling or dropping things, I keep making a fool out of myself like that.


We're in Atlanta and it's Friday. Two days back of Niall controlling my every step.

Okay he actually hasn't been that bad. He has been asking me to get him stuff like a coke or some food, I've been carrying him a lot as well when he's been too lazy to walk. Besides that we've just been spending a lot of time together, sometimes with the rest of the boys or with some from the band or staff, but most of the time we've been alone. Not that I really mind, he's so relaxing to be around, always smiling and ready to cheer you up. I like that. He has also ordered me to cuddle with him almost every night except the ones we've spent separated. Funnily enough I didn't mind that either.

"C'mon Haz, ye have to come up with somethin' else than tha' " Niall said from behind as I stood up again. I could feel his chest pressed against my back and of some reason it did something to me. It felt kind of warm with him being so close. I shrugged it off and avoided to think of our ballroom dancing the other night.

I turned around to look at him with a smug smile and pushed my fingers into his sides, my face getting very close to his "What'd you want me to do? Act as if I can't remember the lyrics? Drop my pants?"

"Yeh, I'd like to see tha again" he grinned, backed away from me and ran to the opposite side of the stage.

Louis gave me a strange look as he walked past me, probably wondering what was with me tonight since none of the boys knew about our little slavery game. We'd decided to keep it a secret, just for fun.


I didn't drop my pants though. I think trying that once is enough. I still need to get Liam back for that now when I think about it.


"What was up with you tonight Haz?" Liam asked after the concert. We were all seated in our shared dressing room, waiting for permission to leave. There had been some troubles with a few fans sneaking their ways backstage during the show, so because of that, we had been held back for about half an hour.

"Harry?" Louis said with raised brows and I remembered that I hadn't answered Liam when he asked me that question before. What was it again?

Looking over at a smirking Niall a small smile played on my own lips as I thought back on the week we'd spend together. Niall mostly making me look like a fool, but again, for some reason I didn't care.  

Remembering what Liam asked I looked back at him an shrugged, adding a "Just a little out of it, I guess"

"A little" Louis scoffed, probably mad that I was keeping something from him, but hey, since when did he care?

Okay that was harsh, I know Louis cares about me.

"All right, just everything's fine" Liam said with a warm smile before he sent Louis a glare "Maybe you're just tired"

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