Chapter 20 - Feeling hurt

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Hi guys! I've already written the next chapter, so I'm gonna post it as a promise to you, that I'll keep updating this story now. I don't know how often, I guess it's just gonna be every time I have a new chapter ready for you.

So, some of the facts in this chapter might be wrong, like names and people and stuff. It's a very long time ago and I'm not the best stalker, so I can't seem to find all the correct information. Therefore, I might make some names up, which I don't really approve of, because I'm trying to keep this story as truthful as possible, but yeah.
It's not the longest and most exciting chapter, kind of a filler.

I enjoy writing again!

*Niall's POV*

I don't really know which time we were home this morning, but I was told, before we left, that the flight took about 10 hours. I slept almost the entire time, maybe trying to forget about Harry soon being thousands of miles away from me.

But it was nice getting some sleep anyway. I've already made plans for the day and I know it's gonna be a long and hard day since I'm gonna be tired and jet lag's probably gonna nag me too, but I've choosed it myself. Thing is, I'm gonna see some friends from home. My cousin is coming together with a friend called William and we're gonna have a barbecue with some other friends later today. Otherwise I've just cleaned up a bit and now I'm gonna relax.

I got a little sleep in my own bed this morning and I've just gotten a new mattress which is so good. I slept like a baby! And because of all the things going on and me being really tired I could actually sleep without Harry. It's so nice being at my house again. I've missed just being here. I always feel secure and comfortable when I'm at home and I really just like being here.

I'm a bit unsure what's going on between me and Harry. Like when we were on tour and weren't together we would text all the time, but now we haven't texted since last night when I wrote that I wanted to sleep on the plane. It's not like I could text him from my phone on the plane anyway. Deciding I was overreacting on the whole matter, I sat down in front of the TV.

My cousin and William soon came and while William were preparing the barbecue I sat with my computer. Articles, pictures and videos from last night were all over the internet. Getting a bit curious I looked through some of the stuff. Lea Michele had apparently held a very touching speech in memory of Cory Monteith which had affected almost the whole audience. There were articles about me and the boys winning the awards and then I found out that Harry had also won for Male Hottie and Smile.

"Wha' is tha'?" I mumbled as I clicked on a video on YouTube called [full video] Harry Styles twerking at the 2013 TCAS.

"Ha!" I exclaimed as I saw, indeed a video of my boyfriend twerking at the award show. Oh so that's what he meant by being embarrassing or something. He is so awkward and cute. I saved the link for later.

When I'd surfed the internet for a while I went on Twitter and suddenly decided to do a twitcam. I tweeted that I was gonna do one and after a while I started it up, not knowing if anyone could see me. You see, Twitter confuses me from time to time, especially when we're talking twitcams.

"Okay, so can anyone see meh?" I asked, looking into the camera and afterwards at my Twitter to see if anyone were answering me. A few replied that they could see me but many couldn't, so I decided to wait for a while. In the meantime I looked a bit at the TV, picked at my nails and tried figuring out if anyone could see me. After a while I ended up just starting to talk, not really sure if everyone could see me, but I knew that they could hear me.

I started out thanking the fans and afterwards I gave some information about the movie, like there was some places in America that's not in the movie because we had a deadline. Then I talked a bit about our nearly done album and the premiere on our movie.

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