Chapter 1 - A friendly game of Chicken

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Okay guys so here's the first chapter! I got over my little "I don't know what to write in this chapter" whining, so I guess it helped me that I got the story posted. Anyways, there will be fluff already in this chapter and there'll probably be in most chapters. 

... I just really enjoy fluffy and cute Narry

Gonna dedicate this one to my lovely friend, Mie, because she helped me with the cover, which I'm pretty happy about. Besides that she's going to London for a week and I'm gonna miss her :(  

Anyways, I hope you like the chapter. Please tell me what you think! :)


*Niall's POV*

I woke up the next morning to the smell of food and Harry singing in the small kitchen of our hotel room. I closed my eyes again, thinking that I could get maybe 5 more minutes of sleep, but of course the Irish luck had left me when I moved to London. My stomach grumbled so loud that Harry stopped singing and poked his head into our shared bedroom with a big grin on his face

"Woah, was that your stomach?"

"Eh, yeh, I think so"

He walked laughing back to the kitchen and shouted "Well, food's ready in 5"

"Thanks" I shouted back and pulled myself up from the bed, the thought of food too appealing to shut down. Putting on some sweat-shorts I made my way to the kitchen were Harry was placing a big pile of pancakes on the table which made my mouth water.

"Oi, take some clothes on, will ya?" I grumbled as I noticed that Harry had been cooking in the nudes. Once again, may I add.

"What, don't like the sight?" he smirked as he pushed his hair back.

"I prefer eatin' without it, thank you very much"

"Fiiine" he whined and left the kitchen only to return seconds later in a black pair of briefs. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged and slumped down in his seat opposite me.

"Dig in Nialler"

And I did. And holy Mother Teresa it tasted like heaven.

"Uh, you're drooling there Nialler boy"

"Almost forgot how good of a cook ya are" I praised him instead of listening to his rude comment about my eating. I drool when I eat food that taste amazing, you would too if you tasted Harry's pancakes.

He chuckled lightly while shaking his head.

"So what are we gonna do today?" he asked after a while.

"Dunno. I was thinkin' of headin' to the pool. Askin' Lou and Tom to go too, maybe Josh" I shrugged and filled my mouth with another mouthful of pancake. A few from our crew was staying at the same hotel as Harry and I, so why not do something together?

"Yeah, great idea" Harry agreed and picked up his phone form the table "Just gonna ask Lou"

"What were the other lads doin' today?"

He shrugged while tapping on the screen of his phone "I have no idea"

"Mh, me neither"

He looked up at me with conflicted eyes but then just wrinkled up his nose and looked back down at the phone. I shook my head at him and stuffed the last of my pancakes into my mouth before standing up and excusing myself to take a shower. After the shower I texted Josh and told him the plans about going to the pool and he was all down with it. So instead of getting dressed I just put on a pair of white Calvin Klein's and my colourful swim trunks. What? You never know who might pull your trunks down.

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