Chapter 10 - You were right

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I should have listened to Niall. That and I'm so damn stupid are the only things running through my head right now.

I fucked up.

Niall and I haven't been the same since I told him to leave me alone two days ago before the concert and now when he was right about everything I feel so bad for not listening to my friend's advice.

Because he was right.

Paige and all her friends were nothing more than people who wanted to get their '15 minutes of fame'. And oh boy they did. They're all over the internet and the media today, not only them, but me too. I feel so stupid.

"Harry?" I heard Cal call from the other side of the door to our bunks. I'd told the other boys that I wanted some alone time so they were in another room on the bus since we were on our way to Montreal in Canada and as I've heard it took about 7 hours. I'd only seen Liam and Zayn today because Louis was already in Montreal together with Eleanor and as I just said Niall has been avoiding me the last two days.

"Yeah, come in" I said weakly and sat up in my bunk, my feet resting on the ground. The door slid open and Cal gave me a small smile while making his way towards me.

"Can I sit?"

"Sure" I sighed and fell back on the small bed, my head hitting the wall behind me.

"Talk to me" he sighed.

"I'm an idiot and should have been more careful" I mumbled and bumped the back of my head against the wall.

Cal was the one who finally made me realize which 'friends' I actually made in New York. Some fans had tweeted him a picture of Stephan's tweets and to put it light they weren't nice. It wasn't because I'd talked a lot to the guy but Paige was great friends with him, she'd told me that, and that made me sick to my bones. When Cal had checked out Stephen's profile himself he looked around a bit more and saw that both Stephen and his smaller brother had posted a video on Instagram from the concert. In one of the videos Paige and her friends were acting like they were bored, sleeping, fileing their nails and so on and the other one is where they're making fun of me and the boys by saying things like 'fuck One Direction' and calling us gays and, yeah you get the point.

When he'd seen the videos he'd done some more research and read something about a fan I'd met and talked to very quickly. Her little sister was sad that she hadn't met me and then Paige and Stephen and one more of their friends had met them and said stuff like 'we're friends with Harry' and 'we've got free tickets to their concert by Harry himself'. I mean, how can someone do that? Make a girl who's already crying, cry even more? I felt bad enough for not meeting the girl and not talking to her and then I caused her even more sadness by believing that those people actually wanted to be friends with me. 

"Niall even warned me about Stephen's Twitter but I didn't even check it out because I'm so stuck up in my own little world"

"Harry" Cal sighed and ran a hand over his face "First, you need to realize that you did nothing wrong. You were being friendly, a nice guy, a decent human. Hell if all people were like you war wouldn't exist" he said and that made me smile a bit "Second, they took advantage of you. You had no idea that they weren't as great people as they seemed to be, I met them too and I didn't saw it either"

"No, but you told me not to trust them"

"Yes, I did. But only because I'm concerned something is going to happen to you" he smiled back at me and patted my knee softly three times.

"But I shouldn't have trusted them. It's all over the media that I'm friends with them and the fans are mad at me. They'll think I'm just like them"

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