2. New School

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I looked up at the large, daunting building infront of me. This school is 50 times bigger than my old school back in Iowa!

I silently cursed Hunter and my mom for enrolling me to a large school and not a small one.

I'm just going to try to make myself invisible from all human eyes and by that I mean not to bring any attention to myself.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone knocked their shoulder against mine, making me fall flat down on my face.

"Next time, move out of my way." The guy that knocked me over said.

I looked up to see a really muscular teenage boy? He had a crew cut hairstyle, tall, he was wearing gray sweet pants with a black cut off shirt, and was surrounded by other teens that were laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes, got up, and dusted myself off. What a great way to start off my first day at my new school.

"Hey, you all right?" Another guy said as he came over to me with a concern look.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said with a sigh at the end and looked at the dude.

He had his blondish hair combed back, wearing a simple white shirt with a black jacket and jeans, he was taller than me by a few inches, and he had a nice vibe in him.

"Good. Don't worry about Brock, he's a dick to everyone. I'm Jonathan, by the way, but my friends call me Dean." Dean said with a smile. I gave him a small smile back, "I'm Colby."

"Nice to meet you Colby. What's your first class?" Dean asked. "I dunno. I haven't gotten my schedule."

"Well, let's go get it so I could know if we have any classes together." He said as he took a hold of my wrist and pulled me inside of the building.

The hall was crowded with students, you could barely even pass through and I think I saw a small boy being swolled by the mob of teens, trying to get to their class.

We walked through the wild crowd and made it to the front office without a scratch, miraculously, and I picked up my schedule, well, more like Dean did.

"Let's see if we're going to be class buddies," Dean said and scanned over the paper. His eyes lit up, "we have all classes together, including Lunch, except last period."

"Cool." I said with a huge smile. At least I won't be alone in my classes or lunch time.

"Let's go to first period and you're sitting with me and my homies at lunch time." Dean said and we began walking to class.

"Fine by me." I said happily.

I guess this won't be a bad first day after all.


Dean and I were walking to the Cafeteria since it was now lunch time. During our classes together, we talked and got to know each other very well. I learned that he moved here from Cincinnati, Ohio when his dad got a new job six years ago, he's openly gay, doesn't really take shit from anyone, and also that he likes the color pink, alot. He even dyed his hair pink one time.

We made it to the Cafeteria and Dean led me over to a table with other teens that were calling Dean over, loudly, may I include.

"Yo, yo, Dean Good is in the house!" A guy with long black hair said as he got up from his seat and gave Dean a big bro hug.

To be honest, I couldn't stop staring at Dean's long haired friend. He was good looking, almost like Andy Biersack, but much more beautiful.

He was tall, tan skinned, an arm sleeved tattoo, these beautiful blue eyes that you can easily get lost in and his smile, oh that smile can melt the whole universe.

"Whose your friend here, Dean?" He said when he and Dean stopped hugging. His eyes scanned my whole body, like if he was checking me out. I don't know, maybe I'm just seeing things.

"He's Colby. He's new to this school." Dean said and patted me on the back. I chuckled nervously. "I'm Leati," Leati said to me with a big grin, "let me introduce you to the gang."

Dean and Leati led me to the table and sat me down infront of a couple and they both sat on each side of me.

"Colby, this is Nick and his girlfriend, Lana. Nick and Lana, this is Colby." Dean said to them.

"Hey, Colby. I'm Nick, but you can call me Dolph." Dolph said. "Hey." I said shyly. Curse my shy self.

Leati and Dean moved to the side, moving me with them since I was in between them both, and we were now sitting in front of three guys.

"This is Randy." Leati said and pointed to a guy that was tan like him, sort of.

"My real name is Randall, but I hate that name because my dad picked it." Randy said to me.

"Family problems," The guy next to him said, "I'm Bryan Danielson. Just call me Daniel for short."

"I'm John Cena and you better stay away from my girl, Nicole and Daniel's girl, Brianna, or else I'm going to kick your ass so hard-"

"For fucksake, John. I'm pretty sure the poor kid doesn't even know who Nikki and Brie are!" Dolph snapped. In the background, Lana giggled

"Says the guy that tried to take Nikki away from me when he first came to this school, two years ago." John snapped.

Dolph chuckled and his attention went back to Lana. John rolled his eyes, "Anyway, what's your name, Newbie?"

"I'm Colby, Colby Lopez." I said.

"Cool name, it sounds a bit weird, but still cool." Randy said.

"You think everything is weird and cool." Dean injected.

"Yeah." Randy said and winked at me. I immediately started blushing like a freak. I wasn't used to this kind of attention.

Just then, I saw from behind John and Daniel, two girls, twins to be exact, walk over to us.

"Here comes the beauty drama queens." Dean said when the twins reached the table and sat in between John and Daniel.

"Oh, shut it Dean." One of the twins said. I couldn't really tell them apart, to be honest.

"Who's the cutie?" The twin sitting next to John asked and gave me a flirty smile.

Why is everyone trying to flirt with me? First Leati, then Randy and now her? Yup, I'm fucking hallucinating!

I looked over at John and saw him glaring at me. Why? I don't know.
"I'm Colby." I said a bit awkwardly.

"I'm Nikki and this is my sister, Brie."

Oh that's why John was glaring at me. These girls are John and Daniel's girlfriends.

All of a sudden, the bell rung. "Well, lunch time is over. See you later, homies." Dean said and signaled me to come with him.

We got up from the table and went to the next class.

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