10. Awkward..

694 38 53

Stephanie's POV: ( Surprise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

I cannot believe Colby had a sleepover yesterday without my permission. I found 2 teenagers in each guest room, except for one that only had 1 teenager, sleeping.

I had to wake them up and make them something for breakfast before kicking them out of the house.

It's now 4 in the afternoon and I'm making my way up to Colby's room to give him the biggest lecture he has ever received in his whole 17 years of life.

I opened the door to his room and gasped at the sight.

Colby and two other teens that were only in boxers with the blanket only covering their feet were all cuddled up together.

A dude with blondish hair had his face buried in Colby's neck and his arms wrapped around his waist, pressing the front his body against the back of Colby's.

And another dude with black hair had his arms around Colby's waist as well, pulling him towards his chest.

All of them looked so peaceful, the sight was too cute to miss and a good opportunity to take it to my own advantage.

I took my phone out of my pocket and took a picture, you know if Colby ever decides to act like a thug, I'll use this picture against him. I slipped the phone back in my pocket and made my way over to the bed.

Colby's POV:

"Hey, wake up. It's already 4 in the afternoon."

Who is this person trying to wake me up from my slumber? Eh, I ignored the person and tried to go back to sleep, but that's when I realized I had arms around me and a head laying on the crook of my neck. I opened my eyes and I was greeted with a chest.

"Eh-what's going on?" I looked up and saw Leati's sleeping face infront of mine. I turned my head to the side and from the corner of my eye, I saw that Dean was the one sleeping on my neck.


"Good morning, Colby." I looked up and saw my mom?!

I sat up and started waving my hands from side to side. "Mom, it's not what it looks like!"

Mom placed a hand on her hip and gave me the 'you better explain to me what's going on right now or else' look.

Just at the perfect time, Leati sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Colby, what's going on-" He stopped talking when he glanced up and saw my mom standing there.

"Mrs. Levesque! Fancy seeing you here..aha.."

Leati rubbed the back of his head and looked at me for help. All I did was stutter the letter A.

"What's all the raucous?" Dean asked in a low raspy voice as he sat up and stretched.

He looked from me to Leati and back at me, still oblivious that my mom was standing by the bed.

"Why do you guys look like y'all just saw a ghost?" I heard my mom clear her throat. Dean looked over to her and gasped. I turned my head and faked a cough.

"Uh-I know this looks wrong, but I can explain everything."

"You better. Why the hell were there 7 kids in the other rooms and why are there 2 guys, only in boxers, sleeping with you in your bed?!" You could see heat radiating from her body by how angry she was.

I would be angry too if my future kid invited 9 strangers into my home for a sleepover without my permission, and then finding my kid and 2 of them sleeping on the same bed in only boxers.

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