3. Exposed Sexuality

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Thanks to all that are still reading until this point!


I took a big bite of the sandwich I had in my hand and placed it back down on my tray.

It's been two weeks since I've been here and it's been great. Dean and I don't have any classes with one of the guys, only in last period when I'm not with Dean, I have Leati and Nikki.

"Are you gay?" Randy asked me out of nowhere with a serious look. "What?" I asked.

"Are you atleast Bi?" Randy asked again.

"It's not important. I might be a flamin' homo or a straight ass pole or even both. None of you will ever know." I said with a shrug and picked up my sandwich again to take a bite, but it was immediately slapped off my hands by Dean.

"C'mon, Colby. We all know each other's sexuality. I'm gay, Leati is gay, Randy and Brie are Bisexual, John is straight and so is Daniel, Dolph, Nikki and Lana, obviously." Dean said.

I sighed, "Ugh, fine. I'm bisexual. There I said it!" I immediately saw Randy and Nikki's eyes light up.

Randy smirked and winked at me before the bell rung, signaling that lunch time was over. We all got up and threw our trash and trays away.

I said my farewells to everyone and headed to final period with Leati and Nikki.

When got to classroom, Nikki walked away from us to her friends as Leati and I walked to our seats and sat down, just in time Mr. Arteaga came in the class and started teaching, but I didn't know what he was saying because I immediately tuned off just when he said good afternoon.

I pulled out my notebook from my backpack and started drawing on it to pass the time.


"So, your homework will be on chapter-" Mr. Arteaga said but was cut off by the loud dismissal bell.

"No homework!" A guy, Kofi to be exact, shouted as he stood up from his seat and ran out the room.

Everyone packed their things quickly, including me, and left the room, as Mr. Arteaga tried to stop everyone from leaving, but failed.

I walked down the hall and out of the building. I took in the fresh air and just as I was about to walk away, I felt someone grab my forearm and pull me to the side of the school, where no one was near.

I looked around cluelessly and saw Nikki, standing there next to me with a smug smile. "Hello there, Colby." She said, with a hint of flirtation.

"I, uh, hey." I said nervously. She took a step close to me.

"I like you, Colby. Since you first got here, you caught my eye. To be real with you, I thought you were full-on gay, but today, you opened my doors." She said and took another step.

I was in shock. I didn't know what to say to her. She got even more close, to where there wasn't any space between us.

She ran her hands up my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled me down and connected her red cherry lips with mine.

I freaked out. I removed her arms from me and pulled away from her. "No." I said as I shook my head and wiped off my lips with the back of my hand.

"Please, Colby. I really like you-"

"No! You're dating John! This is some sick fuck!" I yelled.

Her eyes started glistening. A tear rolled down her cheek and her sad facial expression turned to full of fury one.

"You'll regret this," she whispered at me as more tears rolled down her face.

I backed up away from her and and ran off. "You'll definitely regret this Colby Lopez!" I heard her shout from the distance, followed by a few sobs.

Oh man, what just happened? Just as I ran to the front of the school, I bumped into someone's chest, causing me fall down flat on my butt.

"Why in such a hurry?" I heard Leati's beautiful voice say. He helped me get up from the concrete floor and I dusted myself off.

"I wasn't in a hurry." I said, even if I was in a hurry to get away from Nikki.

"Okay.." He said suspiciously as he squinted his eyes.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a honk behind me. I turned around and saw, Pat, Hunter's Chauffeur, waiting for me. Thankfully, in a normal car and not the limo.

I turned back to Leati, "I gotta go, my..um, friend is here to take me home." I said.

He gave me a confused look. "Doesn't one of your parents pick you up?" He asked.

"Nope, busy working." I said and started to walk over to the car.

"Well, bye!" Leati said. "See you." I said with a wave and got in the passenger's side of the car. Pat said hello and started driving home.

About half an hour later, we made it home. Pat parked the car on the driveway and as soon as the car stopped, I got out and ran to the front door.

I opened the door with my key and got in. "I'm home." I said and dropped my backpack on the side.

I walked in the gourmet kitchen and saw my mom cutting up some carrots and Hunter talking over the phone, next to the big window door.

"Hey mom." I said as I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, sweetie. How was school?"

"Boring," I said, dragging the 'o' and 'I', "how was work?"

"Exhausting as always, but great. Dinner will be ready in an hour." She said and placed the chopped up carrots in a pot.

I nodded my head, just in time Hunter hung up the phone, and smiled when he saw me. "Hey there, Colby."

"Hi, Hunter." I said with a smile and turned back to my mom.

"Oh, honey, before I forget, your grandparents and some co-workers and their kids are coming over tomorrow for dinner, so don't forget and be ready." My mom said.

I nodded one more time before I left the gourmet kitchen, went up the stairs and into my room.

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