14. Halloween Party

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Because you people kept making me feel bad and I really owe it to you guys, here's another update.

Enjoy the picture just 'cause I did.


"These fangs are really uncomfortable." I complained, slightly tapping on my left fake fang with my nail.

We were heading our way to Randy's house for the Halloween party and since it was a Halloween costume party, we were dressed up in costumes. Me as a vampire, Dean as a cop, and Leati as a Centurion.

"I can kiss it better." Dean said and shot me a cheesy grin when I looked over at him. I blushed and faced the front again as I crossed my arms over my chest, "That'll be weird. You kissing my fake fang." I said, knowing deep inside that I wouldn't of minded if either one of them kissed my fangs better.

"All right then, I'll kiss your cheek." Next thing I knew, I felt his soft lips on my left cheek. My heart started fluttering.

He pulled away, leaving a slightly wet spot. "Better?"

"Sit back down on the seat or else I'll strangle you to death." I grumbled.

Leati let out a small laugh, "He surely feels better, all right."

"Shut up!" Suddenly, Leati leaned over and pecked my cheek, on the same spot Dean kissed me.

With a red face and a crazy warm heart, I pushed his face away, "Focus on the Goddamn road! You'll get us in an accident!!"

They both started laughing at me. I slouched on the seat and looked out the window.

In no time, we made it to Randy's house. From the insanly huge mansion, loud today's music was beating from it. Many people were dancing, making out, and just getting wasted on the front yard. And there's many but I mean many cars parked everywhere.

It's a miracle the neighbors haven't called the police to shut this party down.

Events from a few weeks ago, when I realized I actually had feelings for these two idiotic buffoons and shamed Randy so he couldn't tell them, came back to my mind. Ever since that day, I haven't seen him at all.

Not even a glance. He never showed up to the Cafeteria at lunch, nor did he even appear when I walked through the halls.

"Can we just skip the party?" I asked nervously. "No, but don't worry. Everything will be fine." Leati reassured me.

"Yeah! If you stick with us, you'll have a blast!" We got out of the car and headed towards the house. Just as I stepped one foot on the grass of Randy's front yard, two girls jumped on my back.


"Hello handsome~!" One of them slurred on my ear. I gagged and pushed both of them off my shoulders.

I jogged over to the door where Leati and Dean were standing and looked around. I saw mounts of sweaty, drunk high school bodies dancing against eachother.

The place was dark like the inside of a cave, the only light being the party lights glowing up the room. The couches were pushed against the wall so there was room to for the people to dance or just be their drunk selves.

We walked further in the house. "Let's go get a drink from the kitchen!" Dean yelled over the loud music.

We shoved against sweaty bodies all the way to the kitchen where there was different varieties of soft drinks, alcohol, whiskey, and water bottles.

"Let's see, let's see. Where's the Screwdriver.." Dean whispered to himself. "Oh here it is."

Confused as to why he was looking for a damn screwdriver, I walked over to where he was standing. I saw a large drink bowl with a light orange liquid inside along with some ice cubes.

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