8. Kevin, Dean, and Leati

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I suck at updating, I'm sure everyone knows that by now..



"And this is the study room, where all we do is read DVDs and not books." I said making Kevin chuckle.

Kevin and Kevin's mom, Mariah, arrived about an hour ago, and right now I'm giving him a house tour since Hunter, my mom and Mariah went food shopping before they had to go see Kevin's dad tomorrow.

"This is my parents room," I said pointing to the door, but didn't open it. "And that's the end of the tour." I turned around and looked at him.

He was nodding his head as he walked closer to me. "Very interesting," he said and placed a hand on my hip and pulled me against his body, "I was thinking if maybe we can go up to your room and-"

There was a knock on the door. I took in a sharp intake of breath, which I didn't know I was keeping, and slipped out of Kevin's grip and went over to the door.

I twisted the door knob and swung the door open, reveling Dean and Leati?!

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well hello to you too, Colby," Leati looked pass me over to Kevin, "And company."

"May we come in?" Dean asked. I stepped aside and opened the door wider.

They walked in and I closed the door behind them.

"So, who's this..dude?" Leati asked and I don't know if I was hallucinating or not, but I think I saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

"Uh- this is Kevin, my um- friend?" I said and once that sentence came out of my mouth, I wanted to slap myself with a brick.

"Friend?" Dean asked. "More like ex boyfriend." Kevin injected.

I glance back at him and saw the hatred follow through his eyes as he stared at Leati and Dean.

Dean raised an eyebrow up. I cleared my throat, "Uh, Kevin this is Leati and Dean. My other friends from school."

"Hm, awful names." Kevin snapped. "I think your name is horrible as well." Leati shot back.

I chuckle nervously, "how about we all go to the game room and play some Halo?"

"And bring the fatty? I don't think so." Dean said with a careless shrug.

"Now you listen here, punk-" Kevin took one step and I immediately wobbled in between Leati, Dean and Kevin.

"Let's not start anything, please!" I whined. I looked at them with pleading eyes.

"Fine." Kevin huffed as Leati and Dean rolled their eyes, but nodded.

"Good. Now, forget about Halo and let's go to McDonald's. I'm starving."


It was awkward, and when I say awkward, I mean awk-ward!

I sat next to Leati, as Kevin and Dean sat on the other side of the booth, both far away from each other as possible.

I mentally groaned at their childness.

I looked over at Leati and saw him looking at Kevin, as if he was trying to set his body on fire with his own eyes.

I rolled my eyes and took a fry off his fry box and ate it. I looked at Dean and saw him clenching his jaw as he 'secretly' sent death glares at Kevin when he wasn't looking.

I pressed my lips together and took two fries off his fry box and of course, ate them. I then looked over at Kevin and saw him awkwardly taking bites of his burger.

Poor guy. I took three fries off his fry box and ate them in one bite.

I took two fries from Leati's box again, "Say, why are you two staring daggers at Kevin?" I asked as I moved the fries back and forth as I spoke.

"Why are you taking fries from everyone's fry boxes?" Leati asked back.

I shoved the two fries in my mouth and picked up my empty fry box.

"Because I already ate them all and you guys were too busy glaring at poor Kevin to even bother to eat them."

I threw my box at Dean's chest and he smirked. "Calm down, cowgirl. We'll stop glaring at your ex-boyfriend and you'll- Leati, don't you start throwing pickles at me!" Dean shouted as a pickle landed on his forehead.

The booth went quite and less than a second later, the four of us burst out laughing and began throwing our food at each other.

"Hey, hey, hey! You can't do that here!" One of the cashiers, Zackary to be exact, exclaimed as he jogged over to us, but his attempts at stopping our food fight was pointless and he ended up getting ketchup and mustard all over his uniform.

"I'm getting the manager!" Zackary shouted and ran off.

"Make a run for it!" Kevin shouted and immediately, we all got up and ran out of the restaurant.

We hopped in Leati's car with him on the driver's side, me on the passenger's, and Dean and Kevin on the back.

Leati started the car on and drove away in total silence. About 10 minutes later, we made it back to my house.

We got out of the car and walked to the porch. I grabbed the door knob and opened it to see my mom and Hunter comforting a crying Mariah.

"What's going on?" I asked as we all walked in.

They all looked up to us with sad eyes, mostly at Kevin. "Mom?" Asked Kevin.
"Honey..your dad.." Mariah said quietly with tears in her eyes. "Dad? What about dad? What happened?!"

Mariah sobbed, "He died!" She cried out and burst into a fit of more tears.

I didn't know what to feel. I never really knew Kevin's dad that well since he was barely even at his house.
All I could feel was shock. I couldn't imagine what Kevin and Mariah must feel at this moment.

I looked over at Kevin. His eyes held disbelief, shock, and most of all, sadness.

"He c-can't be.." Kevin sobbed as a tear rolled down his left cheek. Kevin ran over to Mariah and attacked her with a big hug. I turned over at Leati and Dean and saw that they were half shocked as well.

"Leati, can you and Dean head off to my room and wait for me there? Please?" I said quietly.

He nodded and went up the stairs to my room with Dean closely behind. I turned back over to the scene.

"What exactly happened, if you don't mind me asking."

Mariah wiped her nose with the end of her long sleeve shirt. "I called the lady to make sure she told Max that Kevin and I will be seeing him tomorrow, but when I did, she said that he chocked himself to death with the chain of the handcuffs that restrained him.." She took a deep breath before continuing, "The department is sending his body back to Iowa for a proper burial, of course with the help of his parents, my parents, and myself with the finances."

Mariah once again started crying and clung herself to Kevin's chest. "Hunter and I will drive to Iowa to drop off Mrs. Owens and Kevin tonight," My mom said, "It's not safe for her to drive in the state that she is right now."

I nodded my head, "But why can't they stay here for the night?"

"Because of the funeral and I'm pretty sure if you were them, you wouldn't want to be in a state where your loved one committed suicide." Hunter whispered to me.

I nodded my head again. After a few moments of letting them have their moment, they went up to the guess room they were going to stay at, and started packing everything up. When they were done, I said my goodbyes and they were off, back to Iowa.

I went up to my room and saw Leati laying on my bed, texting, and Dean snooping around the room. "Nice room." He said. "Why were you two treating Kevin like shit?" I asked, ignoring Dean's previous statement.

Leati looked up from his phone, over at me and Dean stopped looking at the Shingeki no Kyojin poster and turned to me as well. "Because," Dean started.

"We weren't gonna let an ex take away what's ours."

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