13. Realizing Unknown Feelings

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The events from yesterday was long forgotten. When Leati and Dean dropped me off at home, I gave them both a small peck on the cheek and ran off to my house with a mad blushing face and a racing heart.

My mom greeted me at the door and asked why my face was red as a tomato. I ran up to my room so I wouldn't answer her question.


"You have to come to the party, man!" Dean said to me.

"Yeah! It would be a major bummer if you didn't." Leati said.

Since the early morning, these two have been begging me to go to the party Randy will be throwing in a few weeks for Halloween.

Me, being the antisocial moron that I am, didn't really feel like going and have been rejecting their offer over and over again. "I don't want to go!" I stomped my left foot against the floor, ready to throw a tamtrum

"Why not?" They asked at the same time.

"Because...because...can't we just stay at my house and hang there?"

"Hell no! Randy throws the best parties ever, it would be a shame if we missed one!"

I was about to reject them again, but Dolph came over to me and jumped on my back.

"Why aren't you going to come, yellow and brown noodles?" He asked in my ear. I cringed at the feeling of his hot breath on my neck and ear.

I stood up straight, causing him to slip off my back, "I'm not the kind of person that goes to parties."

"Probably cause you've never been to one." Dean said and started laughing his ass off at the lame so called joke. I chuckled, "Jokes on you, I've been to a lot of parties when I was in Iowa."

"Pff! Yeah right!" All of them started laughing at me. I crossed my arms over my chest, "I was going to go but now that you guys are making fun of me, I'm not going."

A girl passed by us. I quickly hooked my arm with hers and began walking away with her to the exit door of the school.

I turned my head around to laugh at their reactions, and saw Leati and Dean dashing towards my and the girl's direction.

Just when they were about to tackle me down, I pushed the girl infront of them and they ended up tackling down the girl instead of me.

The girl started yelling and screaming for help as Leati and Dean trying to get up but really couldn't over the girl's slapping and kicking.

I blew them a kiss and skipped out of the building. Suddenly, I collided with a hard chest.

I looked up and saw Randy smirking down at me. I stepped a few steps back and returned the small smile.

"I invite you to my party on Halloween." He said. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. "I-uh actually have plans on Halloween. Sorry!"

"No you don't. I heard you talking with Leati, Dean, and Dolph." He stated with an unimpressed look on his face. Fuck.

I was about to apologize, but he took a hold of my hand and dragged me to the back of the school.

"Look, Randy, I'm sorry I lied. I am just not the party type." I kept apologizing over and over again but all he did was stare at me with this unreadable expression.

"Wasn't this the place where Nikki supposedly kissed you without your consent?" He asked out of nowhere, between my apologizing.

I scowled at the mention of her name. "It was actually the side of the school, not the back." He gave me a devilish smirk, "I'll forgive you if you allow me to kiss you."

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