24. Evil Man and Bitchy Woman

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"It's funny how I think I'm really funny when I'm not actually funny." Dean said with a straight-up serious face and tone.

Leati, Dolph and I burst out laughing as Randy ate and Daniel just stared at us as if we came from the wild.

"Are you on drugs or something?" Randy asked him as he typed something on his phone.

Dean bit his bottom lip and nodded, "Yeah, I'm on the drug called love."

"You're a dumbass." I said with an eye roll.

Dolph, Randy, Leati, Daniel, Dean and I were hanging out at the football field on the grass for lunch. We were getting bored of the Cafeteria so we all agreed to eat here.

"Oh no, here comes trouble." I looked over at Dolph, since he was the one that spoke up, and looked over at the direction he was looking at.

John and Nikki were making their way towards us, with Brie following close behind.

When they reached us, John and Nikki sat infront of me as Brie sat on Daniel's lap.

"Go away, you two pieces of crap." I whispered loud enough for the both of them to hear. "You're so cruel, Colby. We're just here to enjoy lunch time with our friends." Nikki said.

Leati raised his forearm up and looked at his wrist, "Oh, would you look at the time. We must be on our way."

"You're not wearing a watch and there's still 10 minutes left 'til lunch is over." Nikki, offendedly, stated.

"It's always best to arrive there early, C'mon boys." Leati, Dean and I got up from the grass, said our goodbyes to everyone and headed over to the building. By the time we made it, the bell rung and we had to go to our next class.


'Bout time the day was over! My lower back has been killing me the whole day and finally I get to go home and take a long nap without any drama stuck up my ass.

"Hey, Colby!" I turned around and saw Randy and Nikki making their way towards me.

Oh no, both of them together is never a good sign. I was about to make my run for it but they both stopped me in my tracks. Oh god, why did Dean and Leati have to get in a fight with their teachers?? Now they're stuck in detention and I'm vulnerable!

"Uh, hey guys, I was just going home, BYE!"

I began walking away but Randy pushed me right back to where I was, cornered. "You're not going anywhere until we are done with you." Nikki said with a smirk on her face.


"I don't have time for this. Dean and Leati will be here at any second." Nikki gave me a face. "No they won't. John is in detention and they're both in there as well."

Damn you John. 

"I still need to go." Randy rolled his eyes. "Stop lying. I just want you to be mine, Colby. Only mine."

Not this shit again.

"What?" Nikki snapped at Randy. He looked over at her with disgust.

"Randy, you said you were going to help me get him to be mine, what the hell?" Nikki said in disbelief. Randy laughed, "as if. I want him to be mine. Fuck off, Nicole."

Nikki gasped and slapped Randy, hard.  There was a moment of silence.

Nikki was breathing hard, Randy was filling up with fury and I was terrified.

They both started bickering at each other and I took that opportunity to Zayn out of there.

Thankfully, Leati had given me his car keys, so I ran out the building and got into his car so they wouldn't come for me anymore. I sighed deeply in relief and finally relaxed.

"That was wild."

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a slumber.


I'm pretty sure that EVERYONE that read this book when I was actually publishing this regularly, forgot what is going on since it's been a long time since no chapters have been added in a very long time. I'm really sorry about that 😭

I did finally decide to write these all over again and finally publish them for you guys.  I don't know when I'll publish the other chapters for my other story, Plastic, but I will. One day lol.

Thank you to everyone that read my book and for all of your patience 😭💕

P.S. I re-read all of this and I've made so many typos and mistakes lol and I most likely did some with these chapters too

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