7. Too Much

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"Is that a bruise on your cheek?" My mom asked me the moment she saw me enter the dining room for dinner.

"Uh, no?" She gave me the 'Sit your ass down on the chair and tell me what happened' look.

I sighed and plopped down on the chair. "I got in a fight." I mumbled.

"With who?" She asked immediately.

"A guy named John. His girlfriend threw herself at me and he demanded a fight." I picked up my fork and poked a broccoli, trying to avoid their gaze.

"Did you win?" I heard Hunter ask. My head shot up and I smiled brightly at him, "Heck yeah I did! You think this bruise bad? Yo, this is nothing compared to what I did to him," I pointed to my nose with the fork I had on my hand, "I broke his nose and probably the top of his mouth too."

Hunter lifted his hand up and I high-fived him. "That's my boy! You're the man, Colby! Don't let any idiot push you around or even touch you again for that matter."

"I won't, I promise." I turned over to my mom and saw her disapproving look.

"Mom, come on. I defended myself, you should be proud of me." I said softly.

"But fighting isn't right, Colby. You should of gone to an authority at the school and told them what was going on. Fighting doesn't resolve anything, it only makes it worst. Right Hunter?"

We both looked over at him and he looked at me apologetically. "Your mother is right, Colby. It only makes it worst than better."

I looked at them in disbelief. I can't believe this! I defended myself against a big douche, which happens to go by the name of John, and they aren't proud? They should be!

I shook my head, "I'm eating in my room." Before my mom or Hunter could say anything, I picked up my plate and left the room without even a last glance at them.


I was glad it was lunch time. You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've been asked, "Hey, who won? You or John?"

I was in rage!! If they were so nosey, why couldn't they go to the damn football field yesterday, and saw the fight for themselves?!

I was at the very tip of committing homicide when one guy, who goes by the name Dahvie, came up to me and asked if I was covering the other bruises that supposedly John left on my body with makeup.

Before I was able to hurt him in any possible way, I was stopped by the one and only Dean Good. If it wasn't for him, I would be in handcuffs right now.

"That's a pretty nasty bruise." Randy said out of nowhere and took a gulp of his coke.

I rolled my eyes. "I know it's a nasty bruise! No need to tell me every five seconds." I took a bite off a carrot and looked around my plate, realizing I have nothing to drink.

"I am going to choke on this damn carrot if I don't get a bottle of water or something!" I shouted and threw my half eaten carrot across the Cafeteria.

"What's up with you? You should be happy that you beat the hell out of John yesterday. " Dolph said.

I knew there was something wrong with me today. I knew that what happened between my mom, Hunter an I yesterday bothered me really much and it was hitting my biggest nerve.

I was just so furious and confused as to why they're not proud of me for standing up for myself.

Instead of answering him, I got up from my spot and walked away from the table into the hallway.

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