20. Day Together

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What a fantastically stressful day at school! I don't want to come here ever again but the government is forcing me to and if I don't go, my parents will be fined and could go to jail.

Ugh, this is your last year, Colby. Chill the hell out. I closed my locker after putting some of the textbooks I won't need, inside.

"Hey, Colby." I turned my head and saw Leati leaning against the lockers. "Hi, Joe."

He frowned and pouted, "Don't call me Joe. It makes me sound old."

"Sorry, Mr. Wanna-sound-young. Anyway, where's Dean? The three of us usually go home together."

Leati bit his lip, and got off of the lockers. I don't know about you guys but I found that extremely hot. No, Colby! You're not supposed to be thinking these things!

"Something caught up and he had to leave just after last period started."

"So he left early?" He nodded, "basically."

I sighed deeply and shrugged, "All right then, let's just go home." We walked down the hallway, out of the school and to his car.

Leati unlocked the the car, we got in and were on our way to my house. After a few minutes, I noticed we weren't heading towards the direction to my neighborhood.

"Uh, Leati, aren't you going to drop me off at my house?" He kept looking at the road without saying a word. Is this guy deaf or simply ignoring me?

"Let's go somewhere." He said out of nowhere after 10 minutes of silence. "Alright then, can we go to that place that is like a bakery but it's not bakery, it just sells like small-triangular cakes."

"Bolieve in Bo's Bakery? " Leati asked. I nodded my head eagerly. He let out a soft 'okay then' and in no time we were at the mall.

"You go check the map for the way to go. I gotta take a piss." With that Leati blew me a kiss and ran towards the men's restroom.

I glared at nothing in particular, trying to hide the blush that was trying to creep into my cheeks.

I looked over the sign and with my index finger, I traced the way we had to go.

"First we head all the way straight, then turn a left when you reach Zumies. Then, walk all the way straight again until you reach Victoria Secret, you take a right." I said under my breath.

I engraved the way to go and nodded my head in satisfaction. I was about to pull out my phone and play some games until Leati came back, but that's when something clicked.

I must have gotten those directions wrong. I looked back that the sign and scanned it over 50 million times, I was not wrong.

There has to be another way to get to Believe in Bo's Bakery! Unfortunately, there wasn't another way. That means we have to pass through Victoria fucking secret!

I am still traumatized over what happened when Leati, Dean, and I ran into Jimmy and Jey. I will never be able to see my body the same again.

"You found the way to go?" I jumped up at Leati's sudden voice in my ear. I turned around with a mortified face and he was looking at me like if I was stupid.

"Y-yeah I got 'em." He took a glace at the map before grabbing my hand and flashing me a smile, "Let's go then."

As we headed over to where we needed to go, I was praying to every god that existed so Leati won't see that store and not force me to try on lingerie again.

As we walked, Leati didn't let go of my hand at all. It made me feel like we were in a relationship, the thought made me bubbly inside. But I remembered that I'm with Dean now, dispite me liking Leati as well, I'm with Dean and I can't let this happen.

I tried to pull my hand away but Leati held his grip on me, I gave up after a few tries.

We walked the directions I kept directing him to in a comfortable silence.

We just made a turn and straight ahead was Victoria Secret. Oh man I'm dreading this completely.

"You okay? Your hands got even sweatier than what they already were."

I turned to him and smiled, "I'm totally fine!"

We kept on walking and the closer we got, the more anxious I became. I heard a gasp escape Leati's lips and I was prepared. "The store is straight ahead! C'mon I'm sick of walking!" He began running and yanked me with him to the store. THANK THE LORD!!1!

We made it to the entrance and took a moment to catch our breaths since come on, we're lazy and not really athletic. Well, Leati kinda is but I'm not!

After that, we entered through the double doors and we're greeted by a happy, loud voice. "Hello! Welcome to Bolieve in Bo's Bakery!" A familiar guy in a black apron with the bakery's logo on it and a cap on with a giant fake cupcake on top, said as he made his way infront of us.

"Kofi? You work here?"

"Oh, yeah! I need some extra cash to buy me some booty-o's."


"It's just a nickname me and my boys gave Lucky Charms. Anyway, I recommend y'all to get the chocolate cheesecake with a cherry on top BEEECAAAUSE~~ it's booty-good."

We ended up getting the chocolate cheesecake with the cherry on top, just because Kofi wouldn't stop telling us to try it even after we didn't want it, and decided to eat them at the park across the street from the mall.

We got there in no time and sat at a bench that was infront of a gorgeous water fountain.

The second I sat down, I began to dig in my cheese cake. "Slow down there. if you eat too fast, it'll be hard to shit later on," I glared at him as I still had the fork in my mouth. "And I want us to spend this night as slow as possible."

I softened my scowl and pulled the fork out of my mouth, "All right, I'll try to eat slow. But just so you know, If I do eat this much more quicker than you, I couldn't restrain myself."

He chuckled and nodded as an understandment. We slowly ate our chocolate cheesecakes in a comfortable silence.

"Colby?" I turned my head and saw that Leati looked extremely flustered.

"Leati are you okay? Your face is red." I raised hand to touch his forehead, but he ended up grabbing it and held it gently against his chest.

"You feel that?" He asked me. I tilted my head to the side in a confused matter, "Your heartbeat?"

"It's my heart. It beats faster every time I'm with you," he inched his face closer to mine, "ever since I first layed my eyes on you...I haven't been able to look away. Your voice is like music to my ears, and your soft but rough touches always make me weak."

By now our faces were millimeters apart and I was completely speechless. This can't be happening..

"I would give up anything to be with you forever, Colby."

Don't..I cant..

I have to be loyal to Dean..

I like you both, but Dean came first..

"Colby, I want you to make me the one you call yours." He leaned in and kissed my lips lovingly.

I'm a goner now. I have to tell him no..

"Will you be my boyfriend, Colby?"

Tell him no. You have Dean.

But I like him too

Just say no!

"Yes, I will."


Sometimes I forget Seth's name is Colby in this story. When I'm done read proofing the chapter and I'm about to publish it, I see a sentence like, 'Seth ate a whole giraffe for his 12th birthday' and I'm like wtf. I have read it all over again to make sure it says Colby and not Seth. The struggles.

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