Amusement Park

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The minute the zodiac's got out of the car, Scorpio runs off to who knows where.

"Capricorn, will you go make sure she doesn't commit mass murder?" Taurus asks with a sigh.

"Sure." Capricorn says with a shrug, and runs after the mysterious girl.

"This is going to be interesting." Aries laughs, and runs after the two.

Once they disappear, Pisces shakes her head, "I hope nobody gets hurt!" She whispers.

"Let's go on the biggest roller coaster!" Sagittarius exclaims excitedly.

"But my hair will get messed up!" Leo whines.

"And they take the most unflattering pictures!" Libra adds indignantly, smoothing her hair

"And they're super scary!" Pisces whimpers, wringing her hands.

"We can go on the merry-go-round!" Cancer proposes.

The other three look at each other before nodding and following Cancer as she leads the way to the kiddie ride.

"But I wanna go on a big roller coaster!" Sagittarius whines, crossing his arms like a little kid and pouting.

"I'll go on a roller coaster with you Sag." Aquarius volunteers.

Sagittarius immediately brightens and grabs Aquarius' wrist, "Lets go then, my daredevil friend!" He exclaims, pulling her after him.

Aquarius frowns and runs ahead of Sagittarius so that she pulls him.

She doesn't like it when people pull her around. She likes to be in charge.

The two get onto the biggest roller coaster they can and sit in the first row.

"Oooo! I can't wait!" Sagittarius squeals like a little girl, bouncing around.

Aquarius smirks, "Once we go over that big hill right there, I bet you'll puke."

Sagittarius shakes his head, a confident smile on his face, "No I won't."

"Bet you twenty bucks."

"Done and done."

. . .

Gemini sighs, "So what do we do?" She asks Taurus and Virgo.

"I don't know." Virgo grumbles, "We could read a book or something."

Gemini groans, "Virgo, turn down the boring please! I have a life to live!" (this is not meant to offend any Virgo!)

Virgo frowns at Gemini.

"We could go to the snack booth." Taurus suggests.

Gemini shrugs, "Sure! I love cotton candy."

Virgo shudders, "Cotton candy is all sticky and high in sugar."

Gemini frowns at Virgo and is about to say something rude when Taurus interrupts her, "We'll go to the bathroom with you and help you wash your hands after." He says kindly.

Virgo still looks doubtful, "But it's so sugary!"

Gemini groans, "Virgo, everything's sugary! Get used to it!"

Virgo frowns at Gemini but before he can say anything Taurus grabs them both by the arm and drags them over to the snack booth.

. . .

As Aquarius and Sagittarius walk over to the snack booth, Sagittarius grudgingly slides Aquarius twenty bucks.

The girl smirks at him as she slips it into her purse.

"Shut up." Sagittarius grumbles.

That just makes Aquarius smirk more, "Aw lighten up Sag! The kid only took one picture!"

"One highly embarrassing photo that could ruin my life." Sagittarius huffs.

Aquarius snickers, "Make that two."

Sagittarius gives her a confused look and she rolls her eyes, "Jeez moron! Get on my level of intelligence! Remember? The picture Gemini took of you skiing?" She snickers again, "I don't know how you could forget that!" (and this is not meant to offend any Sagittarius!)

Sagittarius glares at her as she laughs all the way to the snack booth, meeting up with the others there.

. . .

"That was fun!" Cancer exclaims as they get off the merry-go-round.

"Yeah! That was a good idea Cancer!" Pisces praises the other girl.

"My hair didn't even get a strand out of place!" Leo says happily.

"Yeah, great fun, but I'm hungry. Can we go get some hot dogs or something?" Libra asks.

The others shrug and head to the snack booth.

To their surprise they find almost all the other zodiacs there.

. . .

All the zodiacs at the snack booth are happily munching on popcorn, hot dogs, cotton candy and caramel apples when Capricorn appears, his eyes wide and panicked and his hair everywhere. He runs over to the zodiacs at the snack booth and a surprised Sagittarius catches him.

"Whoa whoa man, calm down!" Sagittarius exclaims, holding the panicked boy firmly.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN SCORPIO SOMEHOW GOT HER HANDS ON A BOMB AND SET IT OFF?!?!" Capricorn wails, thrashing in Sagittarius' arms.

Everyone's eyes widen at this bit of news and Pisces gasps.

Suddenly, Aries appears, running around the corner, practically limping because he's laughing so hard.

"I....knew....that interesting!" He exclaims through bouts of laughter.

"How can you be laughing when Scorpio just set off a bomb?!" Capricorn shouts in disbelief.

Aries limps over, "You.....gullible....moron! It was a prank!" (not meant to be offensive, blah blah blah.)

Capricorn's mouth drops open, "Wha....wha.....what?! How did she get it to tick and stuff?!"

Aries rolls his eyes, "It's called modern technology Cap!"

Capricorn frowns at the boy, putting his hands on his hips, "Well that was mean Aries!"

The other boy shrugs, "And funny."

Capricorn opens his mouth to say something but before he can, Scorpio comes around the corner, her hair everywhere and her eyes glinting mischievously.

"Scorpio, that prank was mean and irresponsible!" Capricorn scolds the girl, but she just lets out a bark of laughter before running right by him.

"Wasn't a prank!" She exclaims, sprinting for the exit.

Everyone's eyes widen and Aries and Capricorn's mouth's drop open. Suddenly, a loud boom rips through the night and all the signs sprint after Scorpio, the sound of police sirens fading behind them.

Hmm.....I'd say that was a good chapter, if a little short. I hope you found it funny.

I just wanted to say, this is a story and I love all the signs and stuff, so don't take any of the jokes or whatever personally, I know people sometimes do.

Well, until next time zodiacs,

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