Stubbing toe

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When they stub their toe on a door
Aries: *takes deep breath* it's okay....I'll be okay.....*curses violently*

Taurus: EEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! WHO EVEN PUT THIS STUPID DOOR HERE!?!? I knew getting up was a bad idea.....*begins pain-eating*

Gemini: Ow! *takes selfie of herself and door, making a sad face* #ow #stupiddoor #stubbedtoe

Cancer: *cries* *and cries* *and cries* *eventually drowns in tears*

Leo: OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!! *hops around on one foot* *bangs head on open cuboard* OWOWOWOW!!!! *stubs other foot* OWWWWWW!!!! *runs into wall* MY GOD WHY DO I HAVE SO MUCH PAINFUL STUFF IN MY HOUSE?!?!?

Virgo: I'VE BEEN SHOT!!! OH GOD, I'VE BEEN SHOT!!!! *collapses on ground dramatically* *wheezes* sister.....she can have my car.....and tell my brother.....good riddance.....*dies*

Libra: *kicks door down* DIE YOU HORRIBLE VERMIN!!!!! DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!! *kicks door with so much force they break their ankle*

Sagittarius: YES!!! BATTLE WOUNDS!!!! *runs away laughing like a maniac*

Scorpio: *walks away like nothing happened* eh, I've had worse

Capricorn: STUPID DOOR!!! WHO EVEN USES THESE ANYWAY?!?!?! *storms away in anger*

Aquarius: tell Bill.....he can have my cat's.....*dies*

Pisces: *hunts down whoever invented doors* *that person is never seen again*
What were your favorites?

Mine were Leo and Virgo's XD

In case you're confused, 'Bill' for Aquarius is their alien friend. Look back at the last chapter.

Hope you liked it!


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