Signs on a blind date-Aries

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This was requested by mew931. This is how this is gonna work- because I feel bad for not updating in like a billion years, I'm going to make a short story for each of the signs on a blind date. That's right, everyone's gonna get their own chapter. Hope you looooove it!

I only bolded each sign in the chapter once cuz I'm lazy sorry.
Aries walks up to the restaurant confidently, wearing a tux with a nice grey tie, not hesitating and just walking right into the place like he owns it.

Unbeknownst to Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Aquarius, Libra, and Pisces all followed him, each wearing a ridiculous disguise except for Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces, who have such good disguises that they look like different people completely.

Aries takes a seat at a booth right in the middle of the restaurant, picking up the menu and starting to scan it.

The other stalker zodiacs split up and sit down in various spots around the building, covering their faces with menus so Aries doesn't see.

"Um.....hello. Are you Aries?"

Aries look up and sees a tall women with short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Yes I am! And I assume that you are the Ms. Elaine that I am supposed to be meeting?" Aries replies, feeling a couple soft butterflies flutter in his stomach.

Elaine nods, smiling, and sits down opposite of the fire sign.

"So.....what is your zodiac?" Aries says, trying to start a conversation.

"I'm a Libra." Elaine replies.

Libra, watching the scene from the bar, squeals excitedly.

"Marry her!" She whispers, watching Elaine closely, "She is one of my kind!!"

"Cool! I have a friend who is a Libra!" Aries says with a grin, trying to avoid the horrible awkward silence of doom. Elaine nods politely ad there is a pause.

What do I say now?! Aries thinks, starting to panic as the silence of doom gets closer. Thankfully, Elaine saves him.

"What are you going to get?" She asks, looking her menu up and down.

"The fish. I hear it's to die for, but I've never had it before. What about you?" Aries answers, silently releasing a breath of relief.

"I was going to get a salad, but I don't know anymore."

"Well, whatever you want."

"You know what, I'll get the fish too. We can try it for the first time together."

Aries nods, smiling, as the waiter comes over.

"Hello sir, what would you like today?"

"I will have the fish and chips." Aries says, giving the man his menu.

"Me too." Elaine says. The man writes it down, taking her menu as well.

"Anything to drink?" He asks, flashing Elaine a smile.

"Water will do." She says, and Aries says the same.

The man walks away and Aries turns back to Elaine.

"Ask her what she likes to do...." Pisces whispers, leaning on the edge of her chair toward Aries in anticipation.

"What do you like to do?" Aries says.

"Yes!" Pisces mutters excitedly, high fiving Cancer, who is nearby.

"Well....I am actually a baseball coach." Elaine says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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