Desert\Road Trip#3

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The signs in the desert.

Oh, and they are NOT in the car anymore
"Oh my god!" Pisces wails, "We're all gonna die!!!"

"No no no! This can't be happening!" Taurus shouts, panicking. Everyone starts freaking out besides Scorpio, Aquarius, and Sagittarius.

"Guys, guys, this'll be so much fun!" Aquarius says, smiling.

"Yeah, it'll be an adventure!" Sagittarius exclaims excitedly.

Scorpio shrugs, "Plus, it's not that big of a deal. We're lost in the middle of a desert. So what?"

Everyone stares at her incredulously.

"Dude, even I think it's a big deal." Aquarius says, shaking her head.

Scorpio shrugs again.

"Well....we have to get out of here and back to civilization." Virgo says, getting right to business.

"And fast! We don't have any food and haven't eaten since McDonalds!" Taurus wails.

"Dude, we ate at McDonalds like twenty minutes ago." Aries deadpans.

Taurus whimpers,  "Twenty minutes is a long time."

Aries face-palms.

"I know! We can draw SOS in the sand!" Libra suggests.

"Yeah!" Leo agrees, hurrying over and writing SOS in the sand.

"Yay! Now we'll be saved!" Gemini cries.

Virgo sighs and shakes his head, "Once again, surrounded by idiots." He mutters before looking up.

"You know a helicopter couldn't see it from in the air, right?" Virgo sighs, pointing to the sky.

Libra, Leo, and Gemini frown.

"It was just an idea." Libra mutters as Leo messes up the letters.

"Well.....what do we do?" Gemini asks.

Virgo shrugs.

"We could just walk until we find civilization?" Capricorn suggests.

"But it's so far!" Pisces exclaims.

Cancer shrugs, "I think it's a great idea Cap!" She says, then blushes furiously.

Capricorn blushes too, and Scorpio and Aquarius smirk at each other.

Aries groans, "We're getting nowhere! You usually have ideas Pisces, what do we do?"

Pisces, startled by the sudden spotlight, stutters, "W-well, I-I guess w-w-we" She trails off, clearly not having an idea.

Aries sighs, "Aqua? Do you have an idea?"

Aquarius shakes her head, but grabs Pisces' hand and pulls her into the car. As everyone watches, the two have a silent conversation before coming back out, beaming.

Aquarius nods to Pisces and the shy girl speaks, "We have an idea!"

"Finally!" Scorpio exclaims.

Pisces grins, "Yep! All we need to do is follow the car's tracks until we reach civilization!"

For a couple minutes nobody speaks.

"Well.....that was obvious." Leo finally says.

"Why didn't we think of that before?" Taurus mutters.

"I feel like such an idiot." Virgo sighs, shaking his head.

"Let's go then!" Gemini cries, marching behind the car and onward.

Everyone follows and soon they come upon civilization and they all start running.

"YAY! I'M SO HAPPY!" Pisces squeals as her feet land on cement.

"Wait!" Taurus cries, stopping suddenly. Everyone skids to a stop.

"Where's Sag?" He asks. Everyone looks around, but nobody sees the boy.

Leo's stomach grumbles loudly and they all glance at it and shrug before continuing their run, figuring the boy will be fine.

Three weeks later when they hear about the great sand people, lead by a strange boy that goes by Sandsag, they all shrug it off and decide they have lost their friend Sagittarius forever.
Fun fact: Sagittarius is pronounced Saj-it-air-ee-us. Did you know that?

I always pronounced it Sag-it-are-ee-us.


Hope you liked it,

Until next time!

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