Clothes Shopping

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When all the zodiacs shop for clothes together
Aries: I want this and this and this and this and this and- *looks at price* you know what? I'll just take this shirt

Taurus: *grabs whatever's cheapest*

Gemini: *buys cute new outfit* *takes selfie* #shopping #friends4life #clothes4dawin

Cancer: oh.....I'll just take this *buys shoes*

Leo: *walks over to cute tank tops* Ooo! These look- *trips over shirt on the ground* GAHH! *hits the ground* *tries to stand up but hits their head on a clothes rack* OWWIIEEE!!! *shirt gets stuck on their head and one gets stuck on their foot* *hops around on one foot blindly trying to pull the shirts off before accidentally running into an old lady* *gets beat up by angry old lady* *ends up going to hospital and never buying anything*

Virgo: *ends up buying for everyone* *only gets a hat*

Libra: *buys the cutest outfit*

Sagittarius: *sabotages everyone else's clothes*

Scorpio: *the one who gets pushed in the cart* *doesn't buy anything*

Capricorn: *buys dresses\tux's* OOO!!! LOOKIT THIS ONE IT'S SO COOOOLLL!!!!

Aquarius: but do they have it in black?

Pisces: *ends up pushing Scorpio's in cart* *gets cute bathing suit*
Need some more requests guys!

Which ones were your favorites? Mine were Aquarius and Sagittarius


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