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Guys, first of all I would like to say I'm SUPER sorry for not updating recently! I have just been busy with Christmas, school, and just life in general, you know? Again, SUPER SORRY!
Aries: sneaks downstairs in the middle of the night to switch all of the gift tags around

Taurus: sneaks downstairs after Aries to eat all the Christmas cookies for the next morning and blames it on Aquarius

Gemini: rips into their presents like a rabid bear and ends up getting all the good ones but throws a fit when Capricorn breaks their hoverboard

Cancer: becomes the detective and tried to figure out who ate all the Christmas cookies

Leo: starts a fight by crumpling wrapping paper into a ball and hurling it at Libra

Virgo: is making breakfast but ends up setting their shirt on fire and runs to their room to get a new one but by the time they get back the breakfast is all burnt. Then orders Chinese takeout

Libra: gets into a wrapping paper fight with Leo, Capricorn, and Pisces, laughing so hard the whole time that they don't even hit anyone

Scorpio: sitting in the corner, watching everything with a mischievous smirk, mentally congratulating them self on how brilliant it was to pour gasoline all over the tree

Sagittarius: hides a squirrel in the Christmas tree so when everyone goes to open presents it jumps out (might have put some whipped cream on its mouth for extra effect 😉)

Capricorn: throws a wrapping paper ball at Pisces and hits them in the eye and starts laughing so hard they fall on the ground and lands on Gemini's new hoverboard, breaking it

Aquarius: fighting with Cancer and Taurus who blame them for eating all the Christmas cookies

Pisces: gets hit in the eye with a wrapping paper ball and stumbles backward into the Christmas tree, knocking it over into the fire and ends up burning down the whole house but blames it on Capricorn

Have a very late Christmas present you guys! Read the top for all my sorry's and stuff and I hope you like this chapter.


Okay, I'm done. Please comment requests and don't forget to click that little star next to the comment bubble as well 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉


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