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This was requested by @EnderStudiosBooks (THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING!!!!) and it is what the signs animal's would be. I will also add why I think they are that animal as well.

Remember, this is my opinion, this is not legit or anything.
Aries: Actually, I imagine Aries as a lion. Idk why

Taurus: Bear because....well....bears.

Gemini: Tiger\Lynx. I don't know why either, they just strike me as that kind of animal.

Cancer: Chipmunk because they are small but mighty. Never underestimate the power of the chipmunk\Cancer.

Leo: Prairie Dog so they can overlook everything, especially things that they own.

Virgo: Cat because they are graceful, precise, and clean.

Libra: Bunny because they are cute, innocent, fast, and fluffy.

Scorpio: Bats. Idek why. Probably because they remind me of halloween. Also maybe spiders or black cats. See? Halloween.

Sagittarius: Dog, because they strike me as loyal and good-natured

Capricorn: Raven because they are in control and calm. Not to mention observant and strangely attracted to shiny objects.....

Aquarius: Fox because I imagine them to be sneaky and possibly manipulative.

Pisces: Deer because they are innocent, calm, and watchful.

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