Renaissance Festival

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So this is if all the signs went to the Renaissance Festival. It was requested by CosmicCat360.

BE WARNED: I have only been to the Renaissance Festival, like, twice and don't remember much, so don't hate me if I'm not 100% accurate!


Thank you
"OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!!!" Pisces squeals, pulling Cancer behind her quite violently, "I can't believe we're actually here!!! When Scorpio said she had a way to break in without getting caught, I thought she was joking!" She squeals again, "BUT SHE WASN'T!!!"

Scorpio casually leans against a wall, inspecting her nails, "When do I ever joke?" She asks.

Pisces shrugs before squealing again, way too excited, "OH MY GOSH I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE MERMAIDS I HEARD THEY HAVE MERMAIDS DO THEY HAVE MERMAIDS? OH MY GOSH I CANT WAIT IM SO EXCITED THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOO MUCH SCORPIO FOR FINDING A WAY FOR US TO- gfffnsisnisnsi!" Pisces voice shouts, muffled, as Libra leaps forward and covers Pisces' mouth to stop her from what she was about to say.

"Pisces!!! You're going to get us kicked out!!!" Leo hisses, having been about to do what Libra did but not doing it fast enough.

Cancer slowly takes her hands off her ears, hesitant, before turning to Sagittarius and Aquarius, "Seriously? You just had to give her caffeine before we got here???"

Aquarius smirks, "It's totally worth it!"

Sagittarius just snickers in reply, the two of them fist-bumping. Cancer sighs.

"Well....what do you guys want to do first?" Capricorn asks no one in general, but is soon bombarded by answers.




"I hear they have eagles!"



The only reason the last one was voiced was because Pisces had very violently bit Libra, making her yank it away with a yelp.

"Pisces! Bad girl! What did we say about biting?" Aries scolds, a frown on his face as he waves his pointer finger at the girl. She growls in return.

"Sag! Aqua! A little help here??? This is your fault after all!" Virgo nearly shouts, gesturing wildly to a crazy Pisces, but the two just crack up, tears flowing out of their eyes as they laugh.

Virgo mutters angrily under her breath.

Suddenly, Cancer squeals, her eyes excited.

Taurus frowns at her, "What?"

Cancer beams, gesturing at Aquarius and Sagittarius, who are laughing too hard to notice, "They're so cute together!!"

Virgo, Taurus, and Aries frown, "What?"

Cancer gets a dreamy look in her eyes, "I can picture it now! Saqua....maybe even Rius!!!!"

"Where the crap did you get Rius?" Leo exclaims, joining the conversation.

"Both of their names end with 'rius', duh! Get with the program!" She scoffs, rolling her eyes at Leo's stupidity, "The only one who understands is Pisces, but she's a little...." Cancer glances at the girl, who is now bouncing excitedly, rambling something about squirrels being the key to immortality, "...unavailable." She finishes.

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