Truth or Dare

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The signs playing truth or dare. This was requested by Blackwolf403
"So......" Sagittarius trails off suggestively as all the signs sit in his house, bored. "What do you want to do?"

For a minute nobody speaks, everyone thinking, but then Pisces proposes an idea.

"We could draw?" She suggests.

"Nah, to boring." Sagittarius dismisses the idea.

"We could build a rocket and blast into outer space?" Aquarius says.

Sagittarius thinks about it for a minute before dismissing it too, "Takes to long."

"Take pictures?"



"Rob a bank?"


"We did yesterday!"

"Watch a movie?"


"No.....too boring......"

Finally, Aries has the golden idea.

"Truth or dare?"

Sagittarius snaps his fingers, his eyes sparkling, "Bingo! This'll be so fun!"

Everyone agrees, so Capricorn starts.

"Leo, truth or dare?"

The boy thinks about it for a minute, "Dare."

Capricorn grins, "I dare you to do somersaults down the stairs."

Leo shrugs, "It could have been worse."

Which is how Gemini ended up taking Leo to the hospital for a broken neck.

"Well, that was fun. Who wants to go next?" Sagittarius says cheerfully once Gemini and Leo leave.

"I'll go." Libra volunteers.

"Okay, truth or dare?" Sagittarius asks.

Libra answers immediately, "Truth!"

Sagittarius grins, "Who in this room would you kiss?"

Libra's eyes widen, "W-what?" She stutters.

Sagittarius smirks, "You heard me."

Everyone watches the clearly uncomfortable girl curiously.

Libra gulps and looks around at the people surrounding her before muttering something quietly under her breath and blushing furiously.

"What was that?" Sagittarius asks.

Libra gulps again, "A-aries." She stutters, blushing furiously again.

"Yeah, well, who wouldn't?" Aries asks rhetorically, brushing off Libra's confession like it's nothing.

Libra sighs, clearly glad he didn't make a big deal about it.

"Pisces, truth or dare." Cancer asks the girl.

Pisces thinks for a minute before replying, "Truth."

"What was the worst thing you've ever done?"

Pisces frowns, thinking, "The worst?"

Cancer nods.

" time I did graffiti on Virgo's house."

Virgo's mouth drops open, "That was you?!?!" He screeches.

But Pisces is already up and out of the room, Virgo following closely.

"Poor, poor Pisces. I'm gonna go help her." Aries tsks, having felt Virgo's wrath before. He stands up and walks out of the room.

"Me too." Libra quickly agrees, leaving.

"And then there were six......" Aquarius says spookily.

Scorpio rolls her eyes, "Capricorn, truth or dare."

Capricorn gulps, "Dare."

"I dare you to jump off the roof." She dares the boy like it's nothing as she examines her nails.

Capricorns mouth falls open, "What?!?" He yelps.

Scorpio nods, "Yes. Triple dog dare you. Go on." She says, shooing him.

Capricorn gulps and walks out of the room, the other eagerly following.

They get to the roof and Capricorn begins to back out, "You know what? Maybe I should just- GAHHHHH!!!!" He screams as Scorpio pushes him off the roof shouting, "Just go you sissy!"

A thump sounds from below, which leads to Capricorn and Cancer joining Leo and Gemini at the hospital.

.   .   .

"Scorpio?" Gemini asks as she sees Capricorn and Cancer.

Cancer nods, sighing.

"She dare you to jump off the roof?" Leo questions.

Capricorn nods.

Gemini and Leo sigh.

.   .   .

"I'm gonna go. This is boring." Scorpio says frankly once the remaining zodiacs get back to the room.

"Kay bye." Sagittarius coos, waving.

Scorpio shoots Sagittarius a glare before leaving, slamming the door behind her.

"Really?" Taurus sighs, shooting Sagittarius a look.

The boy shrugs.

"And then there were three...." Aquarius cackles.

"Taurus, truth or dare?" Sagittarius asks, ignoring Aquarius.

"Dare." Taurus answers.

"I dare you to kiss Aqua." Sagittarius says evilly.

"Eww! No!" Taurus exclaims.

Aquarius wrinkles her nods, crossing her arms, "Well that was rude!"

Taurus shrugs, "Aqua, you kiss your cats."

"So? Do you have something against cats? Huh?! Do you?! DO YOU?!?"

Taurus face-palms.

" lose then. Aquarius, truth or dare?" Sagittarius says, but Aquarius is zoned out, staring off into nothing.

"Aqua? Aqua?" Sagittarius asks, snapping his fingers in front of the girl's face.  She doesn't react.

Sagittarius turns to Taurus for help. Taurus shrugs apologetically.

Suddenly, Aquarius jumps, her eyes wide and crazy.

"ALIENS!!!!" She screeches before shooting out of the room.

Sagittarius and Taurus blink a couple times before shrugging.

"Well, two of us are in the hospital, two are helping them, one is trying to kill another and two others are trying to prevent murder tonight, one up and left, one gave up and the last is probably somewhere in Canada right now. I guess you win." Taurus summarizes.

Sagittarius nods, "Great! wanna watch a movie?"

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