Hot Chocolate *

531 19 7

How the signs....drink? chocolate
Aries: *drinks entire cup* HOT HOT HOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!!! *runs around screaming in pain* *has burnt tongue for entire month*

Taurus: *gulps entire cup* *is completely fine* *has experience*

Gemini: *takes a selfie in cute new snow coat with cocoa* *posts selfie* *never actually drinks cup*

Cancer: *is worrying about the hot chocolate* *doesn't want to burn tongue* *watches Aries run away in pain* *doesn't want to drink it*

Leo: *puts marshmallows in* *drinks it slowly* *has milk mustache*

Virgo: *drinks it with a spoon* *takes small sips*

Libra: *consoling Cancer and telling her the hot chocolate isn't even hot anymore* *only takes one sip to show Cancer that it's fine*

Scorpio: *takes steaming hot chocolate* *pours it down Sagittarius' shirt* *cracks up*

Sagittarius: *Scorpio pours their hot chocolate down shirt* O.O GAHHHHH!!!! *screams in pain and runs out of room*

Capricorn: *stares at it until it gets cold* *finally drinks it cold with whipped cream*

Aquarius: *decorates hot chocolate with whipped cream, cherries, marshmallows and honey* *makes beautiful artwork that is so amazing it gets displayed in a museum* *hot chocolate is never drank*

Pisces: *swirls hot chocolate with spoon and is fascinated by the swirling cream* *looks for pictures* *hot chocolate gets cold and is never drank*
GUYS! I'm running out of idea's and need help! If you request something I'll do it and give you a shoutout.

So.....REQUEST SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Unless it's inappropriate. I have standards.


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