Chapter 25

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Kat's POV

When I wake up some images from my dream last night run through my head, it was actually a nightmare, a nightmare about the incident. The part of James' story that I haven't told Niall yet.

I get up and get ready, I have to be quick or I'll be late for school. At least Robert will take me and Nicole there. She still doesn't talk to me, I don't know what I should do but it really starts bothering me. We were in a good place, she trusted me but now she doesn't even talk. Which has been really awkward because lately she has been hanging out with your group and everyone can notice that we're not in good terms.

For the past two weeks I have been the third wheel of my group, Emma has Damian, Matt has Nicole and I have me. At least Emma tries to talk to me or else I would be all the time on my cellphone.

I only see Nicole when we get in the car.

"Good morning" I say to her and she doesn't answer.

In this moment I decide two things, first I will clear everything with Nicole and I think I just know how to do it. And second since I had that nightmare and the images of the incident don't leave my brain, I decide that it's time to tell Niall everything. Once he gets back in a couple of weeks I will tell him everything.

When we get to the school, me and Nicole go meet the group.

"Nicole." I say when we spot them.

"Yes?" She answers stopping and looking at me.

"Can we talk later after school? We have to solve this."

"There is nothing to solve Kat." She says and starts walking to meet the group.

Matt and Emma are there but no sign of Damian.

"Good morning." I say to them, Nicole is already grabbing Matt and me and Emma share a funny look.

"Good morning Kat, let's leave these two alone" Emma says to me and gets up.

Emma grabs my arm and we start to walk away from them.

"So where is Damian? Something happened?" I ask and by her look I realize that I touched a weak spot.

"I am avoiding him and he realized it and he is not very happy about it." Emma answers looking at the ground.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Damian is a great guy and you know how I like him, but I think he wants to go really fast and I am not ready."

"Really fast?" I ask confused, usually girls are not afraid of commitment, usually it's the opposite.

She looks at me with her eyes wide open and I realize what she means by really fast and what she is not ready for.

"Oh, but have you both talked about it?"

"Not really, but I kind of know that he wants it, you know how shy I am and even though you're my best friend I am not comfortable talking about our intimacy but believe me I know he wants. Besides, he is not virgin, so is not a big deal for him and I don't want him to get upset with me or something." She says sighting.

"Look Emma, Damian is a great guy and since you never talked about it, it's kind of normal that he doesn't know that you don't want that already. And Damian loves you and I'm sure that he won't be upset and he will wait till you're ready. But you have to talk to him, you have been avoiding the poor boy and he doesn't even know why. Everything will be ok, believe me."

"Are you sure?" She asks me looking more relieved.

"Yes, you have a great guy with you. He will understand, besides, you don't owe him anything so don't feel pressured or anything. Take your time."

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