Chapter 2

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Niall’s POV

“Niall there is a pink lion on the street.”

“Wait, what Liam??”

“Now you’re listening to me…”

“Yeah sorry I was just lost in my thoughts”. And I still am, I am coming back with Liam from what we call “Single Holidays”, since we are both single which is not normal in Liam’s case we decided to go on holiday together and enjoy our life while we are single. In my case that is my permanent status because I haven’t had a girlfriend since I joined the band back in 2010. I don’t really know why, yes I am waiting for the right girl and I tried to be with some girls but they couldn’t “capture” me for long enough. But I don’t know how much long I can take it anymore, I mean everyone needs a special person right? But I don’t like to think about that, I don’t like how sad it makes me thinking about it.

But I really can’t stop thinking about that girl who I bumped into at the airport. That is what is making me curious… I met lots of girls every day, lots of girls trying to hug and grab me and even kiss me. Beautiful girls, cute girls, sassy girls… But she, she is something. She is so small and cute and I love the way she blushes and her eyes, her eyes are green and brown.

But I can’t think about her or anyone, I have to focus on my career.

Liam is still talking but we just stopped by his house and he leaves the car. Now I am driving alone to my empty apartment. My life is empty without the band, that is a fact.



Kat’s POV

The drive to my new house is taking so long, after that moment when I bumped into Niall I didn’t take too long to find the people from the program. I was received by the director of my new school and the couple with who I will stay. They have a girl with my age which is good.

I can’t wait to meet her. They are a nice couple, Lisa is taller than me and she is brunette and has beautiful brown eyes. There is something in Robert that makes me feel safe, he has a nice smile and is an handsome man. So yeah Robert and Lisa are my new “parents”.

And we just arrived, I don’t know how to react. I’m in front of a big white house with lots of windows, a classic but a beautiful house. We get inside and I am more fascinated, it is so large. Lisa show me the big kitchen, the living room and lead me upstairs to my room, I even have a private bathroom! My room is so big, the bed is so large, and I love the decoration, I am loving everything about this house. While I am lost in my thoughts I hear Lisa saying.

“Just wait here please.”

And I wait, Lisa gets out of my room and I can hear her knocking on the door in front of my room, a few moments later Lisa shows up in my room with a beautiful teenage girl. She must be her daughter, I can’t stop thinking how stunning she is, her presence affects my self-esteem which is really low. She is blonde and has blue eyes, typical pretty girl in this society. I give a smile and she returns back a half smile which doesn’t please me. Lisa gets out for the room leaving the both of us alone.

“Hey I am Katherine, but you can call me Kat.” I say with a smile.

“Katherine… I am Nicole.”

“So how old are you?”

“I am 17 and you?” She smiles, but that is something about her smile that worries me.

“Me too. Since I am here two weeks earlier can you show me the town, sure?”

“Of course, I will help you with everything. Now I have to go, I have plans for tonight… Oh wait, do you want to come with me?”

“No thanks, I should stay here, unpack everything and make myself comfortable.”

“Okay, let me know if you change your mind, I will leave in 30 minutes.”

She leaves the room and I start to unpack my bags. I still can’t believe I am in London….

When I am done unpacking my bags it’s time to dinner. So I just go downstairs and find Lisa in the kitchen cooking.

“It’s almost done.” She says to me.

“Okay, actually I am hungry.”

“And you must be tired, I didn’t know if I could be so long in a plane.”

“It was for a good cause.” I laugh.

“So what do you want to do tomorrow?”

“I don’t know, what do you guys use to do on Sunday?”

“We usually go to church and lunch somewhere and then usually go visit something or just walk.”

“That sounds good for me.”

“We can show you the city if you want. It is your first time in London?” Lisa asked.

“Yes it is.”

“Tomorrow we will show you the city then.”

“It sounds amazing.”

After dinner, I went to my room and put on my pajamas. I am feeling so tired, so I just sit on my bed and check my phone, I have a missed call from my mom. The last time I talked to her it was when “my new family” picked me at the airport. I won’t call her now because it’s early in Australia, maybe when I woke up. Time zones suck.

 I start to think about everything, my life could be so different right now. It has been almost a year since I started to date James, we dated for 6 months. I shouldn’t think about him but I have to. I feel like I have to get rid of everything I felt and it won’t happen unless I think about everything.

Whenever I think about him I feel a really strong thing and it’s not love, it’s anger, hate. I hate the way he controlled my life, the way he affected my life. He made me all the types of promises and he broke them all. When I needed him the most he left.

And he dared to say he loved me lots of times, and I know for sure that he doesn’t know what love is. If he really loved me he wouldn’t do that to me. He is just a kid in a boy’s body.

Suddenly I woke up, it’s 3 am. I felt asleep thinking about James and I had a weird dream. It’s so early, yeah time zones suck. I should call my mom but I don’t wanna make noise. I grab a book I brought with me and start to read maybe this will help me sleep again.

I hear something downstairs, I am not the only one who is awake. Whoever is downstairs is making a lot of noise, I get up and go to the stairs so I can see who is there.

It’s dark but I see a blond hair and hear a tiny laugh, it seems to be Nicole and I hear some man’s voice and definitely it’s not Robert who is there with her. The boy is not very tall and has a dark hair and I am seeing tattoos? He is not good looking and he seems to be drunk. They are laughing and they are so loud. I am going to my room, but wait… He kissed her!

I don’t know what is going on her head, but bringing a guy to her house at 3 am it’s not a decent thing. But I won’t judge, now I’ll come back to my room I don’t want to see more. Before turning my back I look again and oops I think she saw me. Going to my bed now.

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