Chapter 29

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It has been a week since I am back in Australia and I couldn't feel better. Once in a while I see Niall on the news, apparently their tour is being really successful. Luckily I haven't bumped into him yet, I am not sure if he was already in Melbourne.

Since I have been back, I haven't stopped a minute, I went visit some old friends, such as Thomas and some of my friends from my old group.

But I have spent most of my time with Amy, we do everything together. It is curious because no matter how much time we spend together we have always things to speak about.

"So will you come to the party?" Amy asks me for the tenth time.

We're watching an Australian TV show in her couch.

"I don't know."

"Kat everyone will be there and I'm sure lots of people miss you."

"I doubt, but I will think about that." I say getting up.

"Do you really have to go?" She says getting up.

"Yes, I promised Megan I would help her with her new apartment."

"Oh ok." Amy answers.

"Besides, I have to practice my driving. I only drove for a few months after I got my license. I couldn't drive in London remember?"

"You're going to drive there?"

"Yes, why?" I ask her.

"Be careful Kat, those roads are dangerous."

"It's ok Amy, don't worry. Megan will be with me."

The doorbell rings.

"It must be Megan." I say and head to the door and open it. I freeze when I see who is standing outside.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to see Amy." She answers.

My mouth is opened with the shock.

"Is Megan here?" I hear Amy's voice behind me.

"No, look who is here to see you." I say opening more the door so Amy can see who is outside.

Amy just stands there looking at me.

"What is she doing here?" I ask pointing to Sarah. I can't believe she is in front of me.

"This is not what it seems." Amy says looking me in the eyes.

"I don't want to know what this is, I will wait for Megan outside." I say grabbing my things and walking out.

Once I am outside I wait for Megan on the sidewalk. I can't believe this is happening. What is Sarah doing here? Is Amy been hanging out with Sarah? Did they started talking again while I was gone?

A car pulls over in front of me and I see Megan getting out.

"Are you ready?" She says smiling.

"Always." I say laughing.

I get in to the driver's seat and Megan seats next to me. I haven't drive for a while but I think I am ready. It's only one hour to Megan's new apartment.

I start the car and we quickly get to the highway.

"So I was thinking that maybe you could spend the night over." Megan says turning down the music.

"Yes sure." I say smiling. There is no way I am going to that party now, I really don't want to see Amy, or Sarah or even James.

"I have nothing better to do." I say shrugging.

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