Chapter 12

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Kat’s POV


I am so pissed.

I just found out that Niall is going on tour for one month and he didn’t tell me.

What was he thinking?

Maybe he was planning to leave me without saying a word.

I am glad I ended our thing, it was the best for both of us.

Maybe I did what he didn’t have the courage to do.

Or maybe…

Maybe he didn’t know how to tell me and maybe he didn’t want to end whatever we had.

I guess I will never know.

This is not healthy.

I have to stop thinking about him.

Which is really hard because I live with an obsessed fan of him.

And she hasn’t stopped talking about this tour, apparently she has tickets.

But luckily he is only returning to London at the end of November.

So I have a whole month to clear my thoughts.

Now my other problem is Matt.

 He has been acting strange since we kissed at the party.

I don’t know what is going on his mind but I don’t want to break his heart.

Emma would kill me if I did it.


I am completely lost in my thoughts when I notice I walked to a street that I don’t know.

Oh good.

I spot a strait street right on the corner and decide to take it.

I immediately regret it.

The street is full of guys and girls with an horrible look.

I think they are my age or older.

Some of them are drinking, others are smoking.

They spot me and say nasty comments I just walk pretending I don’t hear them, luckily none of them tried to approach me.

They all have their bodies covered with tattoos and piercings.

Some girls are half naked and one guy and one girl of them are having sex in middle of the street.

What is this place? I am disgusted.

I try to avoid visual contact.

I am seeing a crossroad and I quicken so I can get there as fast as I can.

But suddenly I bump into someone.

“I am sorry.” I say looking at the person I bumped into and I see a guy that barely can open his eyes, he must be pretty high.

He says something that I can’t understand and turns is back to me and puke right there.

I hear some laughs and look around trying to find where they came from.

I see a group of guys who don’t seem to be so wasted and one of them is looking at me with a strange look.

Oh I know him.


I know him.

And he recognized me too.

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