Chapter 11

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Kat's POV


I wake up and I just want to sleep again.

My head hurts.

I am not sure if it hurts because of the alcohol or because what I did last night.

Images from last night are running through my mind.

I feel so guilty.

What have I done?

I just left Niall and jumped into Matt?

I am insane.

I regret everything.

I get up and look around trying to remember how I got home last night.

I think Matt brought me here.

He is amazing and I just used him.

What am I doing?

Who am I becoming?


I go downstairs to eat something, at least I am not queasy.

The kitchen is empty, Lisa and Robert probably went somewhere.

What time is it exactly?

After eating I go to my room. I hear noise, it’s probably Nicole.

She probably had a rough night too.

I am probably hallucinating but I think I am hearing another voice beside Nicole’s.

I enter in my room but keep the door slightly open and I see Nicole’s door opening.

And I see a guy leaving the room instead of Nicole.

What the hell?

He has dark hair and has his body covered with tattoos.

I think I know him, I have seen him somewhere else.

Nicole gets out of the room, grabs his arm and leads him downstairs.

How irresponsible of her!

She could be caught.

Oh she is making a lot of noise downstairs and I don’t dare to peek.

Last time it didn’t end up well.

And that is when I realize.

I know where I have seen him before!

Right at this house. In the first night I spent here.

Nicole went out with some friends and got home really late with a guy, a guy with dark hair and tattoos. But in that night he didn’t slept here.

I hear her coming upstairs and my first thought is to pretend that I am sleeping.

So I jump to my bed and close my eyes.

It’s not hard to me trying to pretend, I used to pretend that I was sleeping back home.

I did it several times because I didn’t want anyone to bother me.

I hear Nicole coming to my room and I feel her breath next to my face.

She is probably trying to realize if I am sleeping or not.

She leaves the room so I guess it worked out.

I hear her coming downstairs.


I think I should wait so I grab my phone to see if I have everything.

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