Chapter 22

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Kat's POV

"Good morning." Nicole says when I enter in the kitchen.

"Morning." I say and smile to her.

I sit down and fill my bowl with cereals. I have be nice to Nicole, I promised her that I would spend this day with her and I don't want to ruin everything.

"So where are we going?" I ask her.

"I think we could  go for a walk and maybe go shopping, and then we can have lunch and go to the cinema." Nicole says smiling with a strange look in her eyes.

"It sounds good." I say and get up. "I am going to get ready, we can leave in ten minutes." I head to the door to leave the kitchen.

"I am ready so I will be waiting for you." Nicole says while she grabs the bowls from the breakfast to wash them.

I walk to my room and put my shoes on and grab my purse. Before leaving the room I take a quick look at the mirror to see how my hair looks and I try to fix it.

"You better get a warm coat, it's freezing out there." I hear Nicole saying when I walk through the door, so I walk back to my room to grab another jacket.

I finally am ready and go downstairs to meet Nicole that is waiting for me at the door.

"Are you ready?" She asks and I nod. Nicole opens the door and I get out with her behind me.

"So you wanted to talk." I say once we are on the sidewalk.

"Yes about Matt."

"So you can go." I say smiling.

"We were together on a date as I told you and now I am worried about facing him tomorrow." Nicole admits.

"Why? He likes you right?" I ask her.

"I don't know Kat." She says looking at the ground.

"Nicole after what you did to him, after breaking his heart he spent the New Year's Eve with you and went on a date with you. I think that means that he likes you. Why would he even give you another chance if he didn't like you?" 

"For revenge?" I realize that she is really worried about this, she hurt him and now she is worried about getting hurt.

"Matt wouldn't do that." I try to calm her. "Tomorrow you will see him at school, you will walk to him and you will talk to him. Alone! Don't go with your pack of friends." 

"Why?" She asks looking surprised.

"They can be annoying sometimes and honestly you are better than them." I tell her thinking how superficial Nicole's friends can be.

"I guess that was a compliment so thanks." She answers smiling.

"You're welcome, but you could think about it." 

"I will." She says and we stay silent for a few minutes until Nicole finally speaks up.

"So here we are." She shouts pointing to the big street full of shops in front of us.

I should have guessed that she was going to bring me here. Oxford Street is the definition of Nicole. The street suits her like a chair suits with a table. Okay, it the worst comparison ever, I actually am not very good at them, but what I meant is that this street is Nicole.

She makes me enter in every clothe shop, we end up buying some things but obviously in some of the shops we only can take a look of the clothes because there is no way we can afford them.

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