Chapter 18

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Kat's POV

" I was laying on my beach towel and the sun was burning my face. Two girls were with me, we were getting tanned. It was New Year's Eve.

"And what about you Kat?" My friend Amy asked.

"Me what?" I asked, they we're talking but I wasn't following so I didn't know what she was asking.

"Any boys in mind?" Amy asked.

"Kat is too serious to fall in love with a boy. She only cares about school and bands." Sarah said.

Sarah is that friend who you secretly hate. Me, Amy and Sarah we're friends since we were little, but Sarah changed as she grew up.

Suddenly Sarah became selfish and mean. She was always messing up with me, making fun of my grades and my obsession. I really don't know why she made fun of my grades because I was the best of my class, Amy used to say that she was jealous but I don't know. And my obsession... I had an obsession over a band.

"One Direction aren't that bad Sarah." Amy said in my defense.

I gave Amy a thank you smile and she smiled back.

"I actually like a boy." I said.

Sarah was laying on her towel and lift her torso to look at me when I said that.

"And who is he? That curly guy? What is his name?" Sarah asked.

Harry, I said to myself. Harry was the only one that she knew, typical.

"Actually it's James." I said.

"Oh no, sorry Kat but James it's not for you." Sarah said.

"Why?" I asked.

""Because you're too short Kat, you're so pale, and you're a nerd. You're not James type." Sarah said smirking.

" What does my appearance has to do with it? That was so superficial." I said to her.

"That was rude Sarah." Amy said.

"Whatever, I just don't want you to get hurt." Sarah said.

I smell hypocrisy.

"But let's enjoy the last day of the year." Amy said and ran into sea water.

Thank you Amy for saving me for this, I thought to myself while I went to meet her. "



That was two years ago, and now here we are. It's now the last day of this year and I don't live in Australia, I live in the rainy London.

But besides that things are very different, well I am not in 10th grade anymore. In last year’s summer I got a job and so did James, we got the same job. And Sarah was wrong because we did fell in love and we started to date.

Everything end up when I found out that James cheated on me with Sarah. She always liked him, that is why she was so mean to me that day on the beach. But she was a horrible person, I mean who cheats her best friend?

Amy and I stopped talking to her when she did that, so now it's just the two of us. I don't mind, a few months ago I would but not now. And James, he can't hurt me anymore, every feeling I had for him is gone. I feel so happy for realizing that.

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