Chapter 4

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Kat's POV

Finally my first day of school, it has been two weeks since I came here. I get up and put on my uniform. Black skirt and blazer, white shirt and red tie.

I am really nervous, and I am not hungry. I can’t eat when I am nervous. I have to wait for Nicole, she takes so long to get dressed.

After what felt like hours we are ready and Robert drive us to school. 

When we arrive I take a look and read “Regret High School”.


I look again and now I read “Regent High School”. Wow that was funny, I start laughing and Nicole looks at me with a strange expression, she must be thinking that I am crazy.

We leave the car and suddenly we are surrounded by people, everyone wants to talk to Nicole. I didn’t know she was like the queen of school.

New country. New school. Same high school patterns.

I step aside, I don’t wanna be in the middle and they start to walk and leave me alone.

Good. Very good. I am alone in a huge school. I get in and try to find the headmaster’s office.

I feel like everyone is looking at me, I hate that.

It’s not hard to find the office, I knock and get in. We have a small talk, he tells me about school’s history, the rules and gives me my schedule.

I have to run to go to my first class, it’s a little bit hard for me to find the classroom.

I knock and the teacher let me in.

“You are Katherine right?” She asks.

“Yes I am.”

“Class, this is Katherine she is from Australia, be nice to her.” She said to the class, then she looked to me and said “You can seat over there next to Emma.”

I seat, look at Emma and smile to her. She seems to be shy, Emma is blonde and has brown eyes. She is pretty, everyone here is pretty.

When the class ends she smiles to me.

“Hi I am Emma.”

“I am Katherine, but you can call me Kat.”

“So do you want me to show you the school?”

“Yes please.”

I spent all day with Emma, she doesn’t talk much because she is shy, well same for me. I finish my classes when it’s 15.30pm

I don’t know where Nicole is, I haven’t seen her all day. So I decide to go home alone, maybe I can remember the path.

I leave school and as I start to walk it starts to rain.

Good. Very good. I don’t have an umbrella.

I start to run I don’t know where I am going, I just want to find some shelter.

I am so stupid. It’s London why did I leave the house without an umbrella?

I suddenly stop, I am so tired. And I just walk hoping that the rain stops.

A car stops right next to me and the driver’s window opens.

“Are you okay?” I hear a male’s voice.

I look into the car and I spot some blonde hair.

I don’t answer just keep looking trying to figure it out who is in there, I can’t see anything with this rain.

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