Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

"Suddenly I hear the doorbell ringing.

It’s 10 pm. It’s so late.

I go open the door and I can’t help but smile when I see who’s standing there."

My smile fades away when reality hit me.

I can’t smile, I have to be strong. I promised that to myself.

I let the person in and head to the living room.

Before sitting on the sofa I turn around to face her. She wasn’t counting with that so she bumped into me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask aggressively.

“I came to see you.” She says whispering.

“How are you even here? Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?” I ask her, I am so mad and don’t really know why.

“I got out a few hours ago. And I sneaked out just to meet you.” She says blushing.

I don’t answer and she continues.

“Luckily it was a long day, so everyone at my house was really tired and went to sleep when we got home. I just had to wait for the perfect moment to leave without getting caught.”

I hug her instinctively. I hug her so tight that I think I am going to break her.

“You had me really worried Kat.” I say after breaking our hug and sitting on the sofa.

“It was a terrible experience, I was terrified.” She answers.

She ends up telling me the whole story, how she was alone in the toilet and how a guy he almost killed her when he found out that she called the police.

After hearing that I just want to hug her and kiss her, but I fight it. I control myself to not do it.

“How did you got here by the way?” I ask her changing the subject completely.

“By taxi.” She asks.

We both stay quite for a few moments.

“So..” She starts.

“And…” I start at the same time.

“You.” She says.

“No, you first.” I say to her.

“I insist Niall.”

“Can I make you a question?” I ask her.

“Sure.” She replies and smiles, I almost melt with her smile.

“Who was that guy that was holding your hand the other day at the park?” The question comes out of my mouth without I even think about it.

“That was Matt, he is a friend of mine. Just a friend.” She anwers.

“It didn’t seem that he was just your friend.”

“He has feelings for me and I didn’t want to break his heart so I didn’t stop him. But everything is clear now.”

Suddenly I get madder than I was before.

“So is that what you did with me? You didn’t want to break my heart too so you let me kiss you, and watch movies with you and gave you my sweater and flowers? And you eventually had to break my heart because you didn’t have feelings for me? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” I shout.

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