Chapter 19

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Kat's POV

I haven't left Australia and I miss it already, but I have a life in London now and I can't look back.

This is my last day in Melbourne before getting back to the rainy London and to my life. Since I got here for Christmas I think I had thanked a thousand times to my mom and Amy for applying for the exchange program. 

Going to London was the best thing that happened to me in the last years, not just because I met Niall but because I could move on with my life. If I stayed here in Australia I would probably be the same messed up girl and I wouldn't be able to live my life.

I actually let my demons control my life in London for awhile when I broke everything with Niall, but I realized I had made a mistake. Now everything seems to being work out and I won't ruin this opportunity, I won't ruin my life.

I hope everything works out between me and Niall. I mean, officially there is nothing going between us, but I know I am not just a night affair.

"What is on your mind?" My mom suddenly asks. We are sited in our kitchen having breakfast.

"I was thinking about London, thank you so much for applying for the exchange program." I thank one more time.

"You really like it, don't you? I am glad to see that London helped you." My mom says smiling.

I know what she means, when I left Australia I was this girl who didn't like to leave the house and I didn't talk to anyone. I was living in my own world in my own head.

"I was thinking about going to the beach today. You must miss it." My mom continues.

"Oh you don't know how I miss it. I had a hard time getting used to London's weather. I miss the sun and the warm of the beach." 

"So go get ready." My mom says.

I get up and head to my bedroom, I check my phone and I smile when I see that I have a text from Niall saying good morning. I quickly reply to him and then open my wardrobe trying to find my bikini. I end up finding one with black and white stripes.

Me, my mom, my sister and Amy go together to the beach, I just want to have a last nice time here.

"I have to admit the sun is what I miss the most." I say laughing.

The four of us are laying on our towels and the sun is burning our skin.

"The water is waiting for us." I say getting up.

"Too much energy Kat." Amy says complaining.

"I will spend about 23 hours on a flight, I have to spend my energy while I can." I say chuckling.

"She is right, I had such a hard time when I went to London. It's too much time. C'mon get up girls." My mom says.

Suddenly Amy and Megan get up and start to walk towards the sea water, "thank you mom" I say moving my lips and raising my thumb and then I join them.

When I come home I finish packing my things and then I just lay in bed, I want to have a good night of sleep. When I am about to fall asleep I hear my room's door open and someone sneaking inside.

"I hope I didn't wake you up." I hear my sister saying while she lays with me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I wanted to sleep with you since it's your last night here. I really miss my little sister." She says hugging me.

When we were younger we used to be best friends but the distance between us started to grow as I grew up, when I had a rough time last year we weren't close but I pushed her away even more than I already had done. We end up falling asleep while talking about our things.

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