Save me from this (One direction fan fic)

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This is my first fan fix hope u taco cats like it  


I woke up to feel the cold December air in the room. As I walked into the bathroom I felt some one watching me. I turned around and there they where . Opps sorry I should probably tell you stuff about . My name is Star Wolf and I'm 15 years old. I have always lived on my own since I was about 10 the reason was I ran away from home. I had a horrible home life. My mom and dad split when I was 6 I stayed with my mom and two sisters , Jane and Rose. I was happy my parents split because my dad was over controlling and did not use words, but fists. Well back to what I am doing. I turned around and there they where waiting for me on the bed. I sighed and rushed to lock the bathroom door before they got up, but I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed the door and pulled it open I tried to pull away from his grip as he said " Oh well look at this a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be in here alone," as he smiled. Ok before I go any further I think I should intoduce the guy his name is mike and he kidnapped Star for his own dirty deeds. So back to the story. I panicked n punched his head and he fell I grabbed my sweater and my favorite black converse and ran out of there. I got out of the building and was crossing the street when I hit something or something hit me, but I got up and broke the glass on the wind shield while I yelled " what the f#ck I could have gotten seriously hurt and all you weirdos can do is sit there !" They all got out and realized they were five of the hottest guys I have ever seen I froze then looked at the one with a black and white striped shirt with brown soft looking hair and white toms. He looked at me then the car and back at me for about 5 minutes.

" what are you crazy you broke the wind shield and you're saying we could have hurt you ??"

I glanced at the car and then my fist and realized that I had done that done that and was making a loud commotion. I then blushed and hear some one call my name and turned to see mike running to with anger filled eyes. I guess the boys saw my face and looked at him as well.

Louis's prov  

It was a normal morning we had just left to go to the studio and record little things we got into the limo and were on our way. We had been sitting in the car for around 10 minutes when I heard a loud thud and crash. I immediately looked to what happened and and the wind sheild had a fist mark on it the I heard yelling so I got out and the boys fallowed me out to see a beautiful girl with short light brown hair it was wavy but not like I always straighten my hair, but like beach waves I was shocked when I saw her fists it was covered in glass and blood.  

All I heard her say was "seriously hurt me " then I looked back at her and the car again for about 5 minute.  

"What are you crazy you just broke the wind sheild and you're saying we could have hurt you ??" Then she looked confused and we heard some one yell "Star !" In an angers voice and she turned her head .............

Save me from this (One direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now