Chapter 7

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Sup taco cats hope you enjoy my story 😝



" I'm Annamarie and I'm Nail's girlfriend" she took my hand and shook it.

Present time still Star's prov

When she let go of my hand she went back to the table and started eating. I found an empty seat next to Liam and Zayn. I took it and saw we were eating spaghetti. As I began to chow down the food I noticed eyes on me. I looked up and saw every one except for Nail and AnnaMarie still eating.

"Excuse me ?? I am starving and you are just staring at me for no reason." Then I went back to my food and finished before every one except Annamarie. We both got up and saw there was only enough food for one more plate. We both charged for it.

Seconds later I was on her and screaming " No!! you crazy lady it's my food!"

"Never !! It's mine !!" She screamed back at me.

We were rolling on the floor for the food until we both saw Nail eating the last of the spaghetti we looked at each other with our crazy eyes and yelled " Get him !!"

Nail's prov

My girlfriend and new adopted sister are fighting over spaghetti so I went over and began to eat it. I heard them stop and saw them look at me.

"Get him !!" They both yelled and charged after me. They tackled me as I finished the food. I thought me and Annamarie were the only ones in this house that fought over food.

I was snapped into reality by Annamarie yelling " I like you we both have the same stomache and thoughts."

I looked and her and star were staring at me while laughing.

Annamarie's prov

We both tackled Nail and wanted the food I guess we have something in common.

"I like you we have the same stomache and thoughts."

She looked at me and started laughing.

Star's prov

After she said she liked me I though me and her are going to be good friends so I started laughing. I looked at every one they were staring at me like I was crazy.

I stood up and said " I like you to and can I have your number Annamarie ??"

"Sorry girl I don't roll like that " she said and burst into laughter

"Wow! I meant so we could be friends you dork !" I screamed at her

She gave me her number on a piece of paper and on it it said " call me babe xox xD" I looked at her and we both burst into a laughing fit.

The guys looked at us and at the paper.

Louis prov

We looked at them as they had a laughing fit and I looked at the paper that star had in her hand.

"May I see the paper star ??" I asked sweetly.

She didn't replay so I just grabbed it and read it and burst out in laughter as well then I passed it around to the guys. A few minutes later Nail got up and was red in the face and walked over to Annamarie.

Nail's prov

A few minutes of laughing I realized what the note said. I walked over to my girlfriend still laughing on the floor.

"What the heck I thought you liked guys babe!" I screamed sarcastically.

"I(laugh) do(laugh) but(laugh) I(laugh) had(laugh) to(laugh) do(laugh) this(laugh) to(laugh) the(laugh) new(laugh) girl(laugh) in(laugh) this(laugh) family (laugh) !" She tried to speak.

We burst into laughter again.

Star's prov

We had just finished laughing for about an hour .

I got up and said " I'm tired I'm going to sleep ok ??"

They nodded at me so I began going up stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs I looked down and saw Liam behind me.

I turned and said " can I help you ??"

Liam's prov

"Can I help you ??" She asked me.

"Ohh I was going to tuck you in ??" I asked not fully sure on how she was going to respond.

"Ohh well I don't need you to, but if you want to that's cool" she said or more of asked me to with her eyes. I nodded and we walk into her room in silence she went to her closet ms came out with a huge Ed Sheeran t-shirt.

Starr's prov

We walked into my room in silence. I walked into my closet and changed into my Ed Sheeran t-shirt. I walked out and felled eyes looking up and down my body. I looked and saw Liam looking at me so I hurried to my bed. I sat down on my bed waiting for Liam to do his deeds.

" ok now get in the covers and go to sleep ," Liam said in a calm voice.

I began to cry a little, my head was lifted up by Liam.

"Why are you crying ??" He asked me

"Because I know what is going to happen next ," I whimpered.

Liam's prov

She was whimpering while saying " because I know what happens next." I looked at her and I realized what she ment she was laying under the covers and began crying a little bit more.

I tucked her in and said " trust us we would never do that ." Then I kisse her forehead and left her in her new room to sleep.


Aww Liam so sweet hope u people liked it 😝 i will continue more tomorrow ok taco cats 🐱

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