Chapter 11

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Hello my little taco cats !! I just wanted to say hi and thank you all for reading my fan fic!! 😝


Louis's prov

Liam told us she had gone to the park we all looked relieved. So with that we all piled into the van and went to the park. The park is a five minute drive from our house. So when we arrived we saw Star at the swings with a boy.

We all walked over there and saw they were kissing.

So being me I said " Star what are you doing??"

They quickly broke apart and blushed at us. Then looked at each other with smiles and Star blushed even more. Awwww how cute she was kissing him. Wait what she is not allowed to kiss yet. That's when she got up and waved to him as we all walked to the car.

We got in and I said " so what where you two doing out there??"

She looked at me with a I-think-you-know look. I just looked at her waiting for her response. Soon all the boys and I where looking at her.

"We where talking and then we kissed no biggy ," she said with a smile plastered to her face.

Star's prov

We got into the car and Louis again asked me. I just ignored them until they were all staring at me. I felt so uncomftoable.

"We where talking and then we kissed no biggy," I said and with that I had a smile on my face.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. Minus the fact that Liam and Zayn kept saying if he tries any funny business that they will beat him up. I just ignored their comments until we got to the house.

Zayn's prov

We got home and we all pulled out of the van and walked inside. I pulled Star to the side. She looked at me with worry.

"Listen Star I know you might like this guy, but don't throw yourself at him ok because I know how a guys mind works and I don't want you to be like that," I told her.

"Zayn it's ok I know what I am doing. Plus I would never do that ok ," she told me with a smile.

With that she walked to the living room. And looked through our movies.

"What are you looking for ??" Liam asked her.

"Finding Nemo !" She screamed.

She grabbed it and put the movie in the DVD player. We all sat around to watch the movie. She looked like a little kid watching the movie. It was at the part where Dory was asking the small fish for directions when I noticed that Star was asleep on Harry's lap. I picked her up and walked to her room.

Starr's prov


Star is four at the time and her dad is drunk.

"Daddy please !! Stop !! That hurts !!" I screamed to him.

He was punching my stomache because I was hungry.

"You still hungry you worthless peice of crap !!" He yelled at me.

I flinched under his touch. He picked my small limp body and brought me to the kitchen. He grabbed a knife and cut my arm.

------------------ End of Dream --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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