Chapter 3

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Sup taco cats this is the third time in one day that I've updated so I'm still kinda new to this plus I have a kool new co -writer yup 😎 so I think I should start the story srry for keepin u ppl waitin so here you go 😝


Liam's prov

As soon as I got out I saw the person we hit I guess her and Louis were saying stuff, but all I thought was we are so getting sued by her and her family. As soon as I said that an angry looking man came out of no where and yelled "Star !!" I think he was mad at us for hitting her with the limo or mad at her for running across the street. Man he seemed really mad and had a purple cheek I wonder how he got that. Never mind off topic as soon as she saw him she bolted out of there like she was terrified of the man.

I wonder if they are brother and sister and got into a fight or were arguing with each other and she may have hit him.

Star's prov

"Star !!" Mike yelled at me but I turned back around and ran for the hills if he caught me this time I don't know what he would do to me.

As I started to run I didn't get very far before some ones hands caught me at first I thought it was mike so I kicked them where the sun don't shine, but when I turned around to kick him in the stomache it wasn't mike. It was a blonde boy he was kinda cute, but I had no time to run or say sorry to him because mike got me and was about to hit me when I elbowed him in the chest his grip on me let go so I punched him in the face and he fell to the floor again.

I turned and saw the people who hit me with their limo help the blonde up and looked at me.

Nail's prov

I saw her run so I was going to help the guy and stop her. As I grabbed her waist and pulled her in she kicked me in my manhood and then I relised her. She was going to kick me when she saw I wasn't the guy. She was about to say something when he grabbed her and she beat him up and he was laying on the sidewalk. He almost looked dead, but she looked scared when she turned to us.

Louis's prov

Omg this chick just beat up a guy twice her age and size !! Wow !! Remind me motto get her mad she turned to us and looked scared. So I looked her in the eyes and asked " why was he chasing you and how did you knock him out ??"

Starr's prov

Crapper they just saw that what am I going to do how do I answer his question ??

I looked at each of there faces and said " well boys I was running from him because he kinda....... In a way ....... Kidnappedme" I said the last part quietly hoping they didn't hear.

Wrong the one with curly hair said " wow !! So you pretty much saved yourself from him ?? How long have you been with him ??"

"Well I have been with him for around 2 weeks. Each time I tried but failed I wouldn't have had to knock him out if your blonde friend here wouldn't have grabbed me I would have lead Mike here to the police station." I said with a smirk because of my brilliant idea of having mike behinds bars for his sick twisted ways.

Harry's prov

Wow I can't believe she had thought all of this out and we kind of stopped her from her plan. Just as I snapped back to reality I saw her over by who I'm guessing is mike and she picked him up like nothing and began walking to the police station that I just noticed. Wow she is strong I mean look at her she looks around 14 or 15 and carrying a 25 or 27 year old man on her back. I can bearly do that .

Star's prov

I picked up mike and walked to the station I felt eyes on me so I turned and said " what can't a girl take her capture to the police ??" The all staired at each other then to mean. I looked around and thought someone famous was here but no it was only me and them. I spoke again " what do I have something on me ?? On and blondy sorry about your manhood you can still have me I once kicked a guy his manhood had to be replaced." I laughed and saw there faces and said " I'm joking !!" I returned to walk as the one with jet black hair said " do you need a lift to your house ??"

Zayn's prov

"Do you need a lift to your house ??" I said as she turned to the station she hesitated for a little and said " thanks, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers or people who hot me with their cars !!" She screamed.


Wow Star is tough right well hope you enjoyed it don't forget to leave comments and likes. I had a fun te writing this and hope you all enjoyed it 😎

Bye for now taco cats 🐱

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