The Other Marauders

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I know what you're thinking: "there were other Marauders?" Yes and no. We're definitely not the original ones, but it happened so fast that it really couldn't be helped. We all know that the original Marauders were Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, but no one ever talked about the other Marauders. The two girls.

My name is Rowan Keith. The story began in my fourth year at Hogwarts. My best friend Katie and I had been having the worst day in the history of Hogwarts! Professor Higglepomp, the Herbology teacher, had decided we had been talking a bit too much in class, and had taken five points from Gryffindor.

"Git..." Katie had muttered and before I could shush her, Professor Higglepomp had heard her say it.

"Detention with Professor Slughorn, the both of you!" She cried, her feelings obviously hurt. The Slytherins giggles at us from the corner of the classroom. I turned around, my face bright red.

"Shut it you bloody-"

"Ms. Keith! Would you like me to give you another detention?!" Professor Higglepomp asked, her face in a fit of rage. I gave the Slytherins one last glare before shaking my head.

Katie and I reluctantly made our way to our next class, which happened to be potions. Katie absolutely HATED that class, but I didn't mind it as much. It was the only class where I get to sit next to the cutest guy in the entire grade: Remus Lupin.

"How's my hair?" I ask Katie before entering. It was always kind of crazy, being its curly, and a fiery red color. My bright, turquoise eyes, tall figure, and freckle smothered face didn't exactly help my whole look. I always stood out. Katie always said she wished she had my hair, but she loved her brown, wavy hair just the same. Katie rolls her eyes at the question.

"Are you seriously on about Remus again? He's not even that cu-" she stops mid-sentence, seeing the glare I'm giving her. "It's fine-your hairs fine, Ro." Ro was her nickname for me, I only allowed her to call me that. Once James Potter, the complete and total git, tried calling me that, and I slapped the back of his head.

"That's Rowan to you," I had said before storming out of the hall. I heard James and his friend Sirius laughing on my way out. They were both complete idiots, I don't know how Remus could stand either of them, yet they were his best friends. I entered potions, taking a deep breath and sitting next to Remus with a smile.

"Hullo, Remus!" I say happily and he acknowledges me with a smile that makes my heart just melt. Professor Slughorn is droning on and on about the Forgetfullness potion, and I manage to tune him out. I keep giving Remus sideways glances, and he luckily doesn't notice me staring at him. I suddenly feel something hit me in the arm. I mutter an 'ouch' and look at the note most likely Katie has passed me. When Slughorn has his back turned, I open it to find indeed Katie's handwriting.

Talk to him!

I send Katie a 'really?' face and scribble 'I can't. He's just too darn adorable'. I throw it at her when Slughorn turns his back again. I see Remus giving me questioning looks, but I ignore him. I'd just die if he saw the note. She throws it back.

You're in looovvvveeee

I roll my eyes and am scribbling back when I see Professor Slughorn hovering over me. Bloody hell.

"Ms. Keith, may I ask what this is?"

"A-a note, Professor," I reply, silently praying he won't read it aloud to the class. He takes it and reads it silently. I hold my breath. He raises his eyebrows at me and I blush, sending a glare towards Katie.

"I will let you off this time, Ms. Keith. However, next time I will not be so forgiving." I smile in relief and I hear James and Sirius laughing in the back of the room. Little gits.

At the end of class, I rush out of potions and head for the common room, Katie on my heals.

"Ro, I'm sorry, okay?" She pleads and I sigh.

"It's fine. Next time you'll be lucky if I don't rat you out, though." She laughs, walking ahead of me, claiming she has to grab something from our dorm room. I hear footsteps behind me, and suddenly the note is swiped from my hand by no other than James. I try and grab it from him, but he holds it high out of my reach. He hands it to Sirius, despite my objections, and Sirius laughs out loud.

"Now who exactly are you in looovvveee with?" Sirius asks me and I scowl, snatching the note back.

"I don't believe it's any of your business, Black." He frowns and pretends to be hurt by the comment.

"We're on the last name basis now?! Ouch..." James pats him on the shoulder comfortingly, hiding a smile. I roll my eyes. I start walking away when I hear James yell:

"I'll get it out of you, Keith, if it's the last thing I do!" I actually laugh at how over dramatic he's being.

"Yeah, right, Potter!" I call back and laugh. They were gits, but funny gits.


"Who wants me to pull of Snivellus's pants?!" James's cries break through the thicket of trees to me. Katie and I had gotten to homework early, since we had detention later with Slughorn. Cheers erupted from everyone gathered around the poor Slytherin boy, and I had never hated James more.

"I'll be right back. I have to stop this," I say to Katie and I hear her mutter something under her breath. I sigh and, infuriated, rush over to the Slytherin boy's aid.

"Expelliarmus!" I yell, and James's wand goes flying out of his hand, sending the Slytherin boy to the ground. James looks at me in surprise, then glances at the boy, who's halfway down the path by now. "Why do you guys have to be such bloody jerks?" I ask with a scowl.

"I don't believe it's any of your business, Keith," Sirius replies mockingly. I glare at him and start to walk away, but I feel firm hands pick me up and run towards the lake. I'm slung over someone's shoulder.

"You'll have to pay for this, Keith!" James shouts and I see his friends following us.

"PUT. ME. DOWN!" I shout and kick, but he's surprisingly strong and acts like I weigh nothing. "I'm serious, Potter!"

"I am too!" He says, dangling me over the lake. I yelp as he's about to let me go, but grabs hold of me again.

"And I'm completely serious when I say I can't swim!" I retort and he pauses for a moment. It was a lie, I could swim quite well, actually, but I would rather lie then be thrown into the cold lake.

"James, just put her down. This is ridiculous." I blush furiously and try to hide it as Remus comes to back me up.

"Not unless she tells us who she's in loooovvveee with!" Sirius interjects and I feel James nod his head.

"If you put me down, I will. I swear it." Sirius and James ponder this for a moment and put me down. I take a deep breath and glance at Remus, who's listening intently. "His name is..." I suddenly bolt off towards Katie. "None of your business!" I yell over my shoulder and I hear them both sigh in defeat. I know it's only momentary, though, because I know they'd both now stop at nothing to get it out of me. I couldn't tell them, however, because Remus is probably one of their closest friends. If he found out and didn't feel the same way towards me, I'd literally kill myself. I liked him WAY too much.

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