Boys will be boys

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"Why are we getting revenge on these guys specifically?" Remus asks and Sirius and I share a glance. I lightly shake my head and he nods.

"Cause one tried to hex me," Sirius answers convincingly and Remus nods. We found a potion that turns your hair pink when you drink it. Sirius and I had gone down to the kitchens earlier and put the potion in the Slytherin drinks. The house elves didn't mind, of course, because they hated the Slytherins too.

Remus, Sirius and I casually walk into the great hall for lunch, and I plop down across from Katie, making sure to get a good view of the Slytherins.

"How long until the potion starts working?" Sirius whispers, his breath tickling my ear. I shiver for some reason, but shake it off.

"Right about..." I see Bellatrix Lestrange's hair starting to turn lighter. "Now." There's a scream as several Slytherins notice their hair. Sirius and I pretend to be coughing in order to conceal our laughter. Katie gives me her annoyed face and a look that says: really? I see Professor Slughorn watching us and see absolutely no point in hiding it anymore. We're literally howling with laughter and I have to lean onto him for support. "Merlin, Padfoot! We're geniuses!" I say between giggles. Remus literally has to drag us out of the great hall before the Professors can find us.

"Moony!" Sirius complains and I laugh. Remus just rolls his eyes, but frowns when a bunch of Slytherins come out of the great hall.

"You guys are in trouble now," Remus taunts and glances around casually.

"Oi, Black! Keith!" Says and angry Bellatrix. I reach for my wand, but not before she does. "Reducto!" She yells, and it hits my hand. I scream aloud as I hear my wrist snap and Remus comes to examine it while Sirius takes action.

"You bloody idiots! Stupefy!" He yells and I clutch my wrist while trying not to cry. They fight back and fourth while Remus comforts me.

"What is going on here?" Bloody hell, Professor Higglepomp. While I'm crying, Sirius is fuming, Remus is kind of just standing there, and a pink-haired Bellatrix, Snape, and Malfoy are there looking innocent. The bloody gits. She yells at us and then makes Sirius escort me to the hospital wing to get the true story from Remus (he's the total teacher's pet).

"You okay, Plumi?" Sirius asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, a sort of protective gesture.

"F-Fine," I reply, sniffling.

"We'll get those bloody-"

"Language, Mr. Black!" Poppy says and signals for me to sit on a hospital bed. "Oh dear, a broken wrist..." She makes a sort of 'tisk' noise. She pulls out her wand. "This might hurt a little..." I clutch Sirius's hand. "Episkey!" I cry out in pain and start sobbing.

"Bloody hell, that hurt!" I sob when Poppy leaves the room. "Merlin!" Sirius is fighting back laughs and I smack him.

"It's not f-funny P-Padfoot!" I say, smacking his shoulder. He coughs and smiles sheepishly. Stupid Padfoot...


"Hey are you alright, Rowan?" Remus asks, standing up and giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

"Fine," I reply and plop down on the sofa, putting my feet in Sirius's lap. Suddenly Lily walks into the common room, fuming. Heat was literally radiating off of her.

"Potter is the most immature little-"

"Lily what happened?" I ask, cutting her off. Katie suddenly appears behind her, looking guilty.

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