Magical Difficulties

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Remus and I have now forgiven each other, but we're not dating. I'm not sure if he wants to date me anyways, he seems to be kind of interested in this Hufflepuff girl named Nymphadora Tonks. I'm not that interested in dating him either, I've kind of got eyes for someone else. Can you take a guess folks? Yep; Sirius Black. Since that day, I've looked at him differently and he's been being even nicer to me. He's a little bit overprotective, though. Especially from the Slytherins. When's he going to learn I can take care of myself?! Kate had been hanging out with us a lot too, I guess she got tired of talking about James with Lily. James and Lily would make the cutest couple, but she still despises him. A lot.

"I call this marauder meeting to order!" James says in his best announcer voice. I laugh.

"I have a suggestion," I say, biting my lip. "I think we need member." They all just stare at me for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Remus asks and I sigh.

"I mean Katie. Shouldn't we let her join? I'm afraid she's feeling a little left out." They all ponder this for a moment.

"Nah," Sirius says and I hit him playfully in this shoulder.

"Padfoot," I whine. "Why not?"

"Because you'd be too busy with your girl talk and forget about...the pranks."

"How could I forget about those?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. I see what's going on. A certain Sirius Black is worried that I won't be able to spend enough time with him, but I don't say anything. We argue back-and-forth until the whole group decides it's not a good idea. I wish I had another girl in the group...


"So full moon tonight?" Sirius asks me. I nod lightly, still trying to get my homework done before we have to head out to the shrieking shack.

"Don't you have homework, Padfoot?" I ask because he's just looking over my shoulder and watching me do mine.

"Of course I do. I just choose not to do it." I roll my eyes. He's such a, scratch that, he's just a slacker. He sits next to me and sighs. "I wanted to talk" I look up from my homework.

"What about 'us'?"

"Well, I don't know..." His voice trails off and he runs a hand through his hair nervously.

"Padfoot, you've got to be more specific, I'm not a mind-reader. If this is about the kiss then-"

"It is," he interrupts and I take a deep breath.

"Then I enjoyed it," I tell him and he gapes at me. My face flushes. "Unless you didn't enjoy it...then I didn't either." He chuckles.

"I enjoyed it too." There's an awkward silence. "So does that mean you fancy me?" He flashes a smirk and I roll my eyes.

"Use your brain-if you've got one-Padfoot," I mutter and scribble down some more of my essay.

"So...are we? Ummm...are we dating?" I scoff.

"Well, you haven't even taken me out on a real date yet, so..."

"This weekend in Hogsmeade. Wear something pretty," he smirks and walks away. I let out a relieved breath. He liked me back, and now I was going on a date with him! Yes!

"What are you so happy about?" James grumbles and sits next to me in front of the fire.

"Oh nothing," I chirp and he raises and eyebrow at me. "Nothing!" I say again and he shakes his head.

"Don't make me throw you in the Black Lake!" He threatens and stands up. I raise my hands in defeat.

"Fine, fine, I'll tell you!" I plead and he sits down again. "I'm going to Hogsmeade with Sirius this weekend." He nods his head like its no big deal. "On a date," I finish and his eyes widen. He runs up the dormitory steps.

"SCORE FOR PADFOOT!" He yells and I can hear him trip and two bodies fall.

"Boys..." I mutter as Sirius yells at James for knocking him over. I was going to miss them over the summer, which was coming up faster than I wanted it too. I didn't want to go back to my boring house in Godric's Hallow with my lame excuse for a brother and my parents. They're not mean or anything, just annoying and also boring at the same time. Bleh.


Remus had to be escorted to the shack earlier, since no one knew that we were illegal Animagi and that we helped Remus.

"Ready?" James asks as we stand in front of the Whomping Willow.

"Ready," we all chorus and laugh a little after before heading into the willow. Sirius and I were in the front with James and Peter in the back. I sighed before taking the form of a Phoenix and flying to the top level of the Shrieking Shack, hearing the howls coming from there. We do the usual stuff, play around with Remus in wolf form, and I heal any wounds he had given himself with my tears. It was awesome having healing powers. Then something went wrong. Very wrong. I looked over to see Sirius standing there in his human form. Remus went crazy. He gave off a high-pitched growl and lunged for Sirius, knocking him to the floor. James and I stepped in and distracted him while Sirius ran for it. Suddenly, James turned human too, and Peter was nowhere to be seen. I'm on my own now. I had to fight Remus to protect the rest of my friends, and stop him from doing something he's seriously going to regret. I tried to push him back lightly while James and Sirius got away, but he slashed one of his claws at my wing. I let out an almost human squawk and faltered a bit, but got back up. What was happening to us? Just randomly changing like this? Weird... While I was momentarily distracted, Remus grazed his claws lightly on my face, but then roughly on my chest. I couldn't take it any more and I fell to the floor, attempting to drag myself out. There was a searing pain as Remus sunk his claws into the back of my leg. Wait-leg. I changed back too! I just kind of lay there, awaiting the attack. Remus growled before I heard a spell being cast and he fell to the floor. Sleeping. My breathing was short and quick as Sirius came and supported the back of my head with his hands and James muttered healing spells. I could just barely hear my name being called, but it was all very fuzzy. Pain took over my whole body so my senses were clouded and the world kept fading in and out. Was I dying? As it did, I could see Sirius, his face pained and his face sweaty. No-it wasn't sweat-they're tears. Why is he crying? Over me? I must be dying then.

"Plumi?! Rowan! Can you hear me?!" It's Sirius. I make a weird gurgling noise. I feel myself being gently picked up and the pain is starting to fade. "Dammit, she's barely breathing!" James curses.

"Just hurry up, she's loosing all her blood!" Sirius retorts and pretty soon I'm laying on something soft.

That's when I'm engulfed in perfect darkness.

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