Summer Fun

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"Are they already at the lake?" I ask Lily and she just shrugs. We make our way outside. It's a beautiful garden with several dining areas and lots of flowers.

"So where's the lake supposed to be?" Katie asks and Lily and I shrug again.

"Maybe it's down here," I suggest, following a stone path that runs through the garden. We arrive at a wooden fence and I cautiously open the gate, causing the hinges to moan. I wince at the noise but go through the gate all the same. I immediately freeze taking in the gorgeous scene before me. It's basically a never ending forest, but in the middle is a giant lake. Beside the lake rests a little cave and lots of toys as if this was a pool.

"Woah, the Potters are rich!" Katie exclaims and Lily and I roll our eyes at her enthusiasm. I felt slightly exposed wearing this small, blue bikini, but I was amongst people who wouldn't judge who cares?! I wonder where the boys went...


"Shhhhh!" James shushes me as the girls come in from the gate. My mouth falls opened as I see Rowan wearing a pretty blue bikini. It exposes a lot...I mean, she's practically naked! Not that I'm complaining or anything...I just don't want the others looking at her with that on.

"So, what's the plan again?" Remus asks and I roll my eyes. He's a smart guy, but he spaces out A LOT.

"We're going to go and grab them and throw them in the lake," I say simply and the others smile. We wait until they walk closer, and I can see they're looking around and asking each other where we could be. I feel so evil. Suddenly James charges out.

"FOR NARNIA!" He yells and scoops up Rowan onto his shoulder. I'm not really sure what Narnia is...I think it's a muggle book... Rowan squeals and the other girls jump.

"OI!" I call. "Wrong ginger, mate!" He looks back at Lily and then to Rowan on his shoulder and an evil smirk plays on his face.

" wouldn't mind if I dumped your girlfriend in the lake, Padfoot?!" Rowan exchanges a frightened glance.

"PAAADDDFFFOOOTTTT!!!" She whines. "Don't let him throw me in!" I debate on lunging at James or the other alternative...yes, yes, I am evil.

"Two can play at this game, Prongs!" James's face falls when the realization hits him. Lily seems to figure it out too because she's running away. I quickly outrun her, though and hoist her up onto my shoulder as well.

"Aw, no fair!" James whines and we stand there for a minute, unsure what to do. Lily groans.

"Seriously, you two, just put them down," Katie calls and I see Remus standing awkwardly beside her. Wow, he's such a bloody chicken. I give him a 'just do it!' look but he slightly shakes his head. I sigh. I see James start sprinting for the lake. It really rocks having extra strength. Just one of the perks of being an Animagus!

"PLUMI'S GOING IN!" He yells over his shoulder and I let out a low, playful growl. Rowan is screaming insults and protests at James. I rush after him, Lily still on my shoulder. I think she kind of gave up, I mean, James and I have these contests quite often. Katie and Remus are jogging behind us, yelling something urgent that I can't hear. Oh well.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU BLOODY-" but she's already in the lake. She goes under and I wait for her excitedly to come back up and explode, but she doesn't. Remus jogs up, catching his breathe.

"She...can't...swim...remember?" He pants and the realization hits me. The day at the lake.

"BLOODY HELL!" I curse before diving in to the cold lake.

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