Just Another Day

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The next day mostly consisted of Sirius running around the house and getting me stuff, Lily going to visit James, and Remus and Katie doing...well I actually don't know what they're doing.  

"PADFOOT!" I call, ringing my bell.  

"Yes, dearest Plumi?" He says through clenched teeth. I smile sweetly at him.  

"I'm thirsty! Make me some lemonade?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he obeys. Mrs. Potter stands by the door and smirks at me. I smile right back, enjoying having Sirius serve me like this. Lily suddenly walks through the door, looking very happy about something.  

"How was it Lil?" I ask, and she blushes a little bit.  

"Oh, ummm...it was alright, I suppose. He's getting better every day." She says like it's no big deal, but she can't stop smiling. I really wonder what happened. Sirius suddenly comes back with my lemonade, looking slightly irritated.  

"Thanks, Sirius!" I say cheerily and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He seems slightly better after that.  

"So...do you forgive me now?"  

"I suppose...but I want one more thing..." He looks overjoyed.  

"Yes! I'll do anything!" I smirk.  

"I want chocolate," I say and Sirius lets out a breath of relief.  

"Well that should be easy!"  

"Oh that's not all," I say, a slight smile playing on his lips. "I want the chocolate from Moony's stash." Sirius pales and Lily laughs at his expression of fear.  

"Are you serious?!" He yells. Remus NEVER lets anyone have his chocolate.

"No, you're Sirius." He and Lily both face palm at the lame joke.  

"Alright then, I'll go get it now, I guess..." He leaves and that's when I go to interrogate Lily.  

"What happened between you and James?" She blushes.  

"I was sort of...upset about the whole thing and James was just really sweet...and told me he'd take a spell for me again...and..." She dramatically sighs like she's love sick or something.  

"So...I'm guessing you don't hate him?" Lily laughs and slaps me lightly on the shoulder. We're interrupted by a loud thump and yelling coming from upstairs.  

"PADFOOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Remus yells from upstairs.  

"Oh, ummm...sorry did I interrupt something?" Sirius asks casually.  

"Yes, you did, in fact!" I hear Katie yell. Lily and I exchange a glance.  

"Oh, okay then." Sirius replies and I hear him close a door and walk downstairs. He mopes over to the couch and sits beside me.  

"What was that?" I ask because Sirius looks slightly flustered.  

"I just walked in on Katie and Remus...snogging!" He makes a gagging gesture and Lily and I chorus a "WHAT?!".  


So, it turns out Remus and Katie like each other! And now they're kind of dating...but not really. Katie told me that Remus had taken her out on about two dates, but he hadn't asked her to he his girlfriend yet, so they weren't official.

Anyways, right now Sirius and I are getting ready to go to St. Mungos to visit James since we haven't seen him since the accident. Been really busy lately... 

"PRONGS YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" Sirius yells as soon as we see James in the hospital bed. James looks actually the opposite of dead, meaning he looks very much alive. His face has color in it again and he smiles when he sees us. He even gives Sirius a man hug! I just give him a regular hug...now I wish I was a boy. Actually, no I don't. Girls are cooler.  

We just sit there and joke for a while until I can't hold the question in any longer.  

"So what's with you and Lily?" I blurt and Sirius gives me a look. James smiles smugly.  

"She's totally into me," he says cockily and Sirius and I laugh.  

"Yeah, well, I got that, but what happened? I WANT DETAILS JAMES POTTER!" He looks a little taken aback, but answers anyways.  

"Well, we actually had a conversation and I made her laugh a bunch of times...and she apologized for being so rude to me before." He takes a breath before continuing. "Then I said it was alright and she smiled and then...we kissed."  

"OH YEAH, GO PRONGS!" Sirius yells, causing one of the nurses to threaten to kick him out. James smiles stupidly as we congratulate him. Finally, a very pissed off nurse tells us we have to leave now because we're "disturbing the other patients". "Want to go grab a butterbeer?" Sirius asks, slinging an arm around my shoulders as we walk out of St. Mungos. 

"Yeah, sure," I reply as we start our way to The Three Broomsticks. "Are you sad that this year is going to be our last year at Hogwarts?" 

"Yeah, a little," he replies casually. 

"Well I am. I can't believe it's been almost seven years already! What's that about?!" He laughs. There's a pause in the conversation. "We'll see each other a lot after we graduate, right?" He nods furiously. 

"Of course! I honestly don't know what my life would be like if we didn't..." Aw, he's so sweet!

"I don't either." He smiles back at me and lands a quick kiss on my lips. "It might be easier considering I wouldn't have to keep you in line all the time!" He fake pouts and I laugh at his expression. "I'm only joking, Padfoot." 

"I know." He stops and seems to study my face. "So, this Order of the Phoenix business..." I sigh.

"Padfoot, I told you I'm joining already!" 

"Oh I know, I was just going to ask how we join." 

"I don't know. Oh we're here!" We arrive at the strangely deserted Three Broomsticks. I walk in and everything is destroyed. The tables are turned upside down, broken glass lies all over the floor, and there's no one in sight. "What happened?" I ask, clinging onto Sirius' arm. 

"I don't know, but we should get out of here," he says, and we apparae on the spot. 


Hey guys! Sorry haven't updated this one very much, been so busy with a four day volleyball tournament! It's called the Summer Soiree....but it'll be over on Tuesday, so I'll be able to write more! Yay! Anyways, what're you thinking so far? I totally ship Sirius and Rowan!!!! K gtg but hopefully I'll update soon! Love you guys!


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