One Year Later

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"Morning!" I greet as I walk into the kitchen of the apartment I now share with Lily and Katie. Katie sits there, making bubbles appear out of her wand, probably out of boredom, and Lily is reading the Daily Prophet. I yawn and hurriedly butter myself some toast and make myself some tea. I have to get to the Ministry early because the Auror department is having an urgent meeting. 

"Why the rush, Rowan?" Lily asks, looking up from her newspaper. 

"Auror meeting again?" Katie asks, looking at me sympathetically. Ever since I left Hogwarts my life has been hectic. Lily and Katie are lucky, their healer jobs at St. Mungo's don't require them to do much since they take turns with a bunch of other healers. They took the afternoon shift together, they just both enjoy getting up early. 

"Yeah...You-Know-Who's still out there so they're having us hunt down Death Eaters...we only found Barty Crouch Jr, though, no one else." I sigh heavily preforming a spell to make my hair lie slightly more flat. "Although, Sirius and James seem to be enjoying the patrols. Honestly I don't think they take it all that seriously." I preform a spell to make my clothes be put on. 

"They'd best be careful...I don't know what we'd do if either of them got killed," Katie adds stiffly and Lily and I nod before we're lapsed into silence. 

"Any word from Remus or Peter?" I finally ask, taking another sip of my tea and leaning on the granite countertop. 

"Remus is staying with James and Sirius while he looks for a job...but I haven't heard from Peter in months," Katie informs us while running a hand through dark, brown hair. 

"Isn't it kind of strange?" Lily asks, putting down the Daily Prophet and looking at both of us. "Peter doesn't hang around us anymore...he only goes to the Order meetings...then he just disappears for what seems like years..." She shakes her head, as if dismissing the thought. 

"It is strange...but maybe he's just scared about what's going on. I mean, I know I am!" Katie exclaims, looking distressed. "And if you're looking to stay out of trouble, hanging around us will get you nowhere!" Lily and I laugh, nodding vigorously.

I check my watch. Time to get to work. 

"See you guys later, I've got to get to work," I tell them, grabbing my keys and apparating on the spot. 


"Moony, make me some coffee, will you?" I complain, rubbing my eyes. James and I had stayed up late last night playing Exploding Snap, while also trying to reconnect to our childish side, and now I'm exhausted. 

"Make your own coffee, Padfoot, I've got to get to a job interview," Moony replies, pulling a tie over his old, ratty suit. I groan and turn to James, who automatically shakes his head. I groan again and heave myself up, making the coffee myself. 

"You'd think they would've invented a spell for this," I grumble, trying and failing to rub the grogginess from my eyes. 

"PADFOOT, YOU ALMOST READY?!" James yells loudly from the other room and I make a strange noise in reply. I wave my wand so my hair is washed and I have new clothes on. I pour the coffee and take a sip, feeling sligthly more awake from the hot liquid going down my throat.

"Have you heard," Remus starts combing down his hair, "that Frank and Alice have moved in together?" James makes a whistling noise. 

"I knew Longbottom had it in him!" He exclaims, looking much more awake all of a sudden. 

"Any news from Peter?" I ask, feeling slightly worried for our old school friend. None of us had seen him since the last Order meeting. 

"Nope," James replies, waving his wand so his shoes appear on his feet. 

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