The Order of The Phoenix

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"Professor Dumbledore?" I call, knocking on the door. He answers, and smiles when he sees all the others are with me.

"Ah, yes, please come in!" He tells us happily, opening the door wide enough so we can enter. He's set up enough chairs, and I sit next to Sirius, right in front of his desk. Sirius squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"A-are we in trouble?" Alice asks timidly, breaking the intense silence. Dumbledore shakes his head, chuckling. Everyone lets out a relieved sigh.

"I am here because I have a preposition for you." Everyone looks at him with a confused expression, and I'm pretty sure I look the same.

"A preposition, sir?" Lily asks, twirling with a strand of her hair nervously.

"Indeed, Ms. Evans," he says and Lily blushes from being directly adressed by Dumbledore. "I am sure you are all aware of Voldemort's rising power..." I see Alice and Peter flinch at the name, but the rest seem unphazed. "Due to his rising power, we-meaning me and a couple of others-have decided to start an organization working to bring him down." He pauses, searching each of our faces. "This organization is called The Order of the Phoenix."

"But Professor," James says, taking Lily's hand, "what does this have to do with us?"

"I am offering you a position on this organization." Everyone stares at him, open-mouthed. "You don't have to take it, of course, but I would be delighted if you would join us!" We all glance at each other, unsure what to say.

"I-I'll do it!" Peter squeaks, looking very happy all of a sudden. Dumbledore nods at him and smiles.

"Me too!" Katie says a little uneasily. Remus takes her hand.

"I'm in," he says, smiling confidently.

"I'll join as well," I say, wanting nothing more than to beat the crap out of Regulus and his Slytherin gang.

"I guess we're in too!" Lily says, her and James smiling widely.

"Us too," Alice adds, her and Frank smiling as well. Everyone looks to Sirius. He smirks.

"I'll take any chance I can to kick my brother's a-" I smack him on the shoulder while Professor Dumbledore chuckles.

"He's in," I interrupt as the others laugh at Sirius.

"Wonderful!" Dumbledore exclaims, standing up. "Take these special rings-" He hands us each a golden ring with a beautiful phoenix on it. A tiny button sits on the side of it, and it seems to fit on my ring finger perfectly. "You press that button if you are ever in trouble, and at least two Order members will come. You know if someone pushed their button if the phoenix start glowing." Excited chatter fills the room as we all examine our beautiful rings. All the boys laugh as we totally fangirl over the beautiful, sparkly things. "The next meeting is tomorrow night at 6:00. You will recieve more information then." Dumbledore smiles, and we all thank him, walking out quickly. 

I can tell Sirius is a little bit on edge, probably because he never wanted me to join the Order. I sigh. 

"You alright, Padfoot?" He nods, taking my hand but not meeting my eye. "I'm excited. I mean, we're actually a part of something that can make a huge difference!" I spin around to express my excitement. Sirius chuckles a little bit. 

"You have to promise me you'll be careful, alright?" He asks seriously. I nod as he brushes a loose strand of hair from my face. 

"Promise. Plus I know you'll always be there to protect me!" I give him a flirty wink and he responds by pecking me on the lips. 


"Ro!" Katie calls excitedly, linking arms with me as Sirius goes to talk to Remus. "I can't believe this is actually happening!" She sighs contently and glances at Remus. "But it's going to be dangerous...what if..." Her expression darkens. "...what if one of of us dies?" I bite my lip nervously. 

"We'll just have to trust our skill, Kate, and hope for the best." She nods as we climb through the portrait hole and go up to our dormitory to sleep. 


Sorry I've been terrible about updating lately....DON'T HATE ME! Anyways, excited that they're joining the Order of the Phoenix?! I know I am! They've still gotta finish their seventh year missions and classwork...that should be interesting! 

Anyways, vote, comment, fangirl, asdfghjkl;.....

Bai, beauties ;)

-Livvy/Olivia/Plumi/The Ravenclaw Princess

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